Ponder daily these 6 things

by Terry 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Terry

    6 things we probably need to wrestle with and keep before our mind to challenge our view of true and false, good and bad, right and wrong.

    1. It boggles the mind. Most religions are smart enough to keep their doctrines out of the area of objective disproof.
    The Watchtower Society obsessive date-setting has put it all to the test over and over again.

    2. Time is money and the GB demand your time from you. They promise reward for time well spent serving...uh hem..THEIR agenda. Are the Governing Body writing "bad checks" (phony promises) on Jehovah's account thinking they have power of attorney? Or, are they forging his signature? Or, are they simply saying to the True Believer, "The check is in the mail?"(Should they say, "The money is there--it's just invisible."?

    3. Remember the 1975 thing?? Who made all the predictions about 1975 being the "end of 6,000 years of human existence on earth"?? Who published "suggestions" about the end being a matter of "months" away, not "years" or even "decades"?? Who claimed it would be foolish and an utter waste of time for young people in the early to mid-70s to get an education or put money away for retirement when the urgency of Armageddon was upon the world??
    Then, when 1975 came and went without incident... what did the GB say?? What did they have the complete and utter audacity to say??? They claimed that it was "overzealous" JWs who put too much emphasis on 1975. Fred Franz stood up in front of an audience and shook his finger at them and scoldingly said that Armageddon didn't come in 1975, because "YOU" believed (what we told you) that Armageddon would come then."

    4. Give me an example of a Watchtower teaching that is unique to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society that is demonstrably TRUE.

    5. Isn't the quintessential example of GB dishonesty (aside from the UN-NGO thing) the Mexico-Malawi contradiction? Two opposite choices foisted on different nations - one excused bribery of goverment officials so as to avoid military duty, the other caused tens of thousands to be plundered and raped for the sake of not buying an identification card. When you think about the hardships caused to the thousands of families in Malawi, over something so meaningless, it just makes one's heart ache. 6But apparently not for the GB, since they held to their hard line for 30 years. The persecution in Malawi continued into the 1990s, overlapping the time when the Society became an NGO member of the UN.

    6. What does it say about intellectual honesty when the Watch Tower misrepresent the views of scientists in books such as Life-How Did It Get Here? For example, in one source, a scientist asked, "How could something as complex as the eye develop through evolutionary means?" He then went on to explain at length how such a thing was possible. The question was just a lead-in to the explanation. But the WT quotes the scientist with the line, "Even respected scientists have doubts about evolution's ability to create complex organs." This is a total misrepresentation.

  • humbled

    I was baptized in 1985. I was well in to my JW life before I heard about 1975. I heard about it from a householder in the door-to-door work. It was hard to find any info on it.

    What a rotten product--the JW thing.

    And I bought it for 22 years! And worse: I tried to sell it to others.

  • ammo

    Terry you good thang!

    As usual to the point.

    Thanks, I like the clear cut way you come across without malice just facts and common sense.

  • Comatose

    Great post. The way the publications misquote their sources is one of the most significant things that woke me up.

    if you are new to this board or a current JW reading this, please get your reasoning book out and look up Cross. Then take the time to go to the library, book store, or amazon.com and check the references that are made. It's a great example of dishonestly quoting sources.

  • BluesBrother

    One of my favourite deliberate misquotes from what they like to call "The Truth"

    "Creation" book 1985 p 39

    "At this point a reader may begin to understand Dawkins’ comment in the preface to his book: “This book should be read almost as though it were science fiction.”3 But readers on the subject will find that his approach is not unique. Most other books on evolution also skim over the staggering problem of explaining the emergence of life from nonliving matter. "

    Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, 1976, p.ix:

    "This book should be read almost as though it were science fiction. It is designed to appeal to the imagination. But it is not science fiction: it is science. Cliché or not, "stranger than fiction" expresses exactly how I feel about the truth."

  • Terry

    I have noticed in the last few years a policy decision has been made NOT to defend their theology.

    They've gone the coward's way. They cut off members from even hearing about discrepency and malfeasance.

    Automatic, knee-jerk refusal to listen, appraise, consider or investigate has become the new normal.

    The Bereans are turning over in their graves.

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