A $7million assisted living facility for aging JW ministers?

by EndofMysteries 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M

    Don't confuse not-for-profit with not making a profit. NFP only means that the organization complies with specific IRS requirements and gains the benefit of being tax exempt. They need to justify that they are providing a "public good." Much of this is outlined in their public document - the IRS 990 report

    NFP organizations can be very profitable. And directors can receive substantial monetary benefits.

    However, there are no shareholders and the equity is not owned by individuals.


    Brilliant!! Who wants to partner up with me in a business venture?? I am thinking of a JW only mortuary/crematorium. How does " Imminent End Funeral Home for Jehovah's Witnesses" sound? Any takers??


  • NewYork44M

    Data-dog I like the idea, count me in as an investor. Since everyone dies, the world is our market. I also like the name of the business. Although the after-life business is cut-throat and very competitive.

  • scary21

    My ex MIL (JW) put her worldly husband in an ass. living run by the Catholic's . This was 10 yrs ago. The cost was $750.00 a month it was a great top notch place. Ofcourse the nuns work for free.....lol They really do take care of old people even if your not Catholic. At the same time my MIL was in ass living ( American house ) very nice place too. It was $ 2,700 a month. Sounds to me like the rich JW are getting no deal....may be paying a bit more for the daily text lol.....

    The poor JW, well they get kicked to the curb


  • sir82

    You have to wonder how the average JW in his 60's or older, will react to this if its existence becomes well-known.

    All his life he was told to "trust in Jehovah", and now he's likely faced with living out his days on maybe $1000 or $1500 per month from Social Security because he didn't save for retirement because the end was coming "soon"...and it costs a minimum of $3000/month to get in?

  • sir82

    So what happens when a couple of widowed 70 year olds get "frisky" and end up disfellowshipped? Are they then kicked out? Sounds like the basis for a huge discrimination lawsuit.

    Or how about this - what happens if old Brother Faithful, no kids, long forgotten by his congregation because he's lived there for decades, runs out of cash? Do they throw him out on the street?

    All kinds of complications if they are emphasizing the JW angle so much in the admissions process.

  • NewYork44M

    The rules state that they need to remain in good standing with the local congregation - so they get kicked out. I wonder if they monitor internet sites visited.

  • scary21

    Don't worry, when he runs out of money he can go to the Catholic ass living.

  • EndofMysteries

    So 3,000 to 4,000 a month for what would rent for a $500 to $900 a month studio apartment staffed by 'volunteer' workers? If they were NOT volunteer but fully paid workers, then that would probably be about average or a lil above.

    It's interesting some of you found some ties to the higher ranks.

    How soon until there is a WT or some letter from the GB that states that those who 'volunteer' to help care for the elderly JW's in assisted living facilities can count that as time?

    They'll be really bringing in the big bucks, provided they find any JW's who can actually afford that. Or maybe they'll offer a trade, if they have any bank accounts, savings, and a fully paid for home they can donate that to them in trade, etc.

  • EndofMysteries

    Good idea data-dog, in the JW crematorium, they will have a tiny warehouse to store and sort the ashes, and a little lounge room that in the new world the ashes will be brought to when it's time for them to get resurrected. The service will included taking ownership of the deceased assets and financials since they won't have any children to hand them down to, and an agreement that when they are resurrected, they get all their money back with interest!

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