6/15 WT Re: Revealing Confidential Matters

by SumnerSloan 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Isn't it just stupefyingly outrageous that "Kingdom business" is to be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality, and not to be questioned by R&F, while at the same time the WTS and their drones consider "worldly business" such as confidential medical, legal, or business records to be subject to their scrutiny whenever it suits them, regardless of the consequences to those who would reveal that information to them??

    BUGGERS!! <she said with all due respect>

    Love, Scully

  • ozziepost

    From my experience, the elders were the last to know! I recall that on many occasions while working at Bethel we would receive phone calls from a publisher many miles distant from Bethel, perhaps interstate, relating some new arrangement that hadn't even been announced to the elders as yet! It was happening so much that here in Oz it's known as the 'choko vine'! (Not grape-vine. Don't worry, if you're not an aussie, you won't get it.)


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Stephanus
    here in Oz it's known as the 'choko vine'!

    It's been great the last few weeks; I've been up to my ears in chokos as they've been ripening on vines around here - haven't had them for years! When I was a kid every backyard had a choko vine growing over the fence and everything else.

  • Scully

    Ozzie and Stephanus:

    Now you've got me wondering...... what the heck is a "choko vine"?? Care to supply a picture for our edification?

    Love, Scully

  • FreeFallin

    Would it be possible for someone to scan these paragraphs?


  • dmouse

    Here you go, I think they're trying to justify keeping their dirty little secrets.

  • Xander

    "Jehovah will not do a thing unless he REVEALED HIS CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS to his servants..."


    "...the annointed shepherds in the Christian congregation find it beneficial to keep a certain matter undisclosed."

    What? You mean, they find it benefial to reject the bible's instructions?

    I didn't read anything in that verse about waiting "until a specific time" or keeping them secret "for a period of time". Read it again. It's not there.

    What it DOES say is that god makes sure everything is revealed to his servants before taking any actions. "...will not DO A THING..."

    I don't understand - the scripture reads like you should fully disclose everything before acting on it, and the WTBTS translates that to mean you must completely keep something secret until too late.


    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • Stephanus

    Here are some chokoes:

    They are a fruit which grows on a vine originating in South America. They are usually cooked as a vegetable - boiled and served with butter, but they can be used as an extender in apple pies - they tend to take up whatever flavours are around them at the time. As you can see these ones are sprouting - all you have to do with a sprouting choko is plant it in your backyard and next year you'll have a vine covering your whole yard and enough chokoes for the neighbourhood!

  • Stephanus

    Apparently chokoes have another name in the US:

    Great pic of the choko vine taking over the shed!

  • lv4fer

    You know I pointed this article out to my husband last night. We had a chuckle. What is sad is 6 mil people will read this and seen nothing wrong with what they are saying. So SAD

    "The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself."

    Rita Mae Brown

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