Soon... very soon

by Elsewhere 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    Whenever I tackle my brain-dead mother about

    "What does SOON mean? They have been saying SOON for 150 years!!",

    she always replies :

    "well, don't forget a day with Jehovah is like 1000 years!!!"

    What the ...?

    So I say "So that means SOON could be another 1000 years???"

    And she says "Of course not!! this old system can't go on much longer!!!"

    Me, find concrete wall, proceed to make rocking motion with head, using arc of sufficient magnitude for contact with concrete wall to occur.

    The Pope

  • Sentinel

    Could this possibly be the rain we all need so badly on the East Coast!

    It sounds just like the weatherman.

  • Billygoat

    The morning of 9/11 I called my dad and I remember him saying "This is it. This is the beginning of the end. Things will be different now". I bet it was at that point my inactive father began hitting his meetings again and going out in service. So sad. A 53 year old man wasting his life with an organization that isn't going to give him squat!

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