Reading the Bible with my wife.

by FadeToBlack 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FadeToBlack

    After she came home today from the meeting and we had a big discussion about the need for Christains to meet together. She was very concerned that I would not survive the coming big A. I suggested that we start reading the bible together (just to show her I wasn't uninterested )and try to keep up with the WT schedule. She agreed. today we read first 2 chapters of Genesis (I know we are behind already) but better late than never. Tomorrow 3 and 4. Anyway, I pointed out all the little factoids I have gathered from comments here and from my own personal observations. In the end, she did not agree with everything from the JW (dogma) point of view but said it wasn't really important. I complimented her for at least being open-minded about it, but asked her what would happen if I tried to discuss with an elder my doubts that the first human was created in 4026. BCE.

    BTW, just like she did not know the WT said a global flood occured in 2070, she admitted she did not know that they said Adam was created in 4026. She also agreed, that this did not sound reasonable. She really has no idea what they have in print or have printed in the past. We also had big discussion about Deut 18:20-23! We looked at what is said or did not say in the Reasoning book and then read what it said in the bible. She refused to believe that the WT ever said 1914 or 1925 was the end. I have prepared a printout from old mags and books to show her otherwise. Thanks I suppose I may need to show her in original publications, so I have already started downloading them.

    I don't think it will go anywhere. I just want her to realize that I can't agree to: Listen, be obedient, be blessed (without the thinking part)

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I really feel for you, and I hope that you gently lead your wife to TTATT.

    I am married to someone who used to be a regular pioneer, but when she examined what I was discovering, she never once rejected TTATT in favour of the Org!

    I am really thankful that she has "made the truth her own" - the real truth!!

    My best wishes for you as you try to lead your loved one out of the labyrinth of the WTBTS!

  • thedog1

    Interesting post. I only realized recently from this site why the bros in 1914 all expected to go to heaven as soon as the gentile times ended, as they believed that up to then they were already living in the time of the end. What also stunned me was that the org still uses the 'advertise advertise advertise the King and his kingdom' catchphrase which was contained in, I think, the same assembly talk or at least on the same programme on an assembly which stated the wildly erroneous idea that the men of old would be resurrected in 1925. I have only recently learned about all the other dates in the 1800's when things were supposed to happen. Can't talk to my wife about it all though, as she would completely freak out!

  • FadeToBlack

    To late to correct the typo, but I meant 2370 for global flood (they might as well say it happened last week). Thanks for the thoughts, Searcher. I just need to calm down a bit and I think it will be OK. I should be glad that we can at least talk about it.

    If anyone has any other 'gems' as we progress thru the WT assigned reading, please feel free to share or point me to previous threads that might be of interest for discussion.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Settle down. More is not necessarily better. Best to do a thorough job on one really good subject than distract her from it with an overdose of lesser ones. Be patient and wait until she tells you she has got the point before you move on.

    Try not to use printouts. If you can find proof on your bookshelf, or WTLib, use them first.

  • kaik

    You can order online The Harp of God and The Finished Mystery. I have them ordered from Amazon. I have them in PDF format and there are great source of JW disinformations from the past.

  • FadeToBlack

    Seems like I have competition - the TV. So no bible reading/discussion today. I don't want to push it or make it seem like I have an agenda, so I let it slide. Maybe tomorrow, after breakfast. From 4PM on, she is pretty much parked in front of the TV. If I come into the room, the first thing she does is turn the volume up. While I don't watch TV, I don't have anything against someone watching a favorite show or two, but watching a repeat of a show you just watched yesterday? I started to think, maybe it was me. I know I don't have the most dynamic personality, but still. She admitted though, that she is addicted to TV. Seems strange to me. Life is so precious, yet she spends 1/3rd of it watching TV?

  • jgnat

    It's brain-numbing, FadeToBlack. If she's watching, she doesn't have to think too much about all she's just learned.

  • FadeToBlack

    Just had a casual follow up conversation at dinner. I mentioned that I had done more research after our first reading of Genesis 1 and 2. First I mentioned that after researching library online, they (WTBATS) does not seem to be supportive of the 'Big Bang' theory. I mentioned that they do not offer an alternative theory but just don't like the randomness of it all (God is a god of order). So it seems to me like they believe god put the entire universe in place and then let the randomness begin!

    Also mentioned that if god created domestic and wild beasts, who took care of the domestic beasts until man appeared? Ever seen a cow or goat that hasn't been milked in a few days?

    I also mentioned that I had downloaded a copy of 'Millions now living will never die" and for sure they were saying the end would occur in 1925. In the book, they also kind of mocked the 1914 prediction.

    What was really funny was that they were so dogmatic about the earthquakes that Jesus said would mark the last days. It was absolutely clear to the writers of that book , that everyone knew that when the bible spoke about earthquakes, they were talking about revolutions.

    Looking forward to covering Genesis 3 and 4 this weekend (since we are snowed in she can't get to the mmetings tonight or Sunday).. Praise the lord...

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston


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