Loyalty to Org Over Everything Else

by startingover13 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover13

    I'm slowly beginning to realize that the person who I love the most is more loyal to an organization above all else. Some time ago, I wrote about how my girlfriend and I were both Df'd for fornication. I do believe that what we did was out of line, from a biblical standpoint, and I accepted my discipline. While I've been out, I've learned how to measure people's worth outside of the parameters of the organization. I've also seen who are my true friends and those that care about me. Most importantly, my solitude has helped to me reach out to God on my terms and learn more about spirituality. I say spirituality because during my 20 or so years in the organization, spirituality was something that I never came to fully understand. It was also associated with actions. Service time, talks, comments, privileges, etc. In terms of truly getting to know God and examining my faith, however, I was lost. Over the past year I've began to see things clearer. I do believe that most Jehovah's Witnesses are good people. They want to do the right thing. Let's face it, many people on Earth need something to believe in just to feel like their life is worth something. It's the sad reality. They serve a god/gods out of necesity or tradition, not because they've truly come to appreciate what the idea of a god entails.

    Over the past month, my girlfriend and I have grown further and further apart. As I'm coming to these realizations, our conversations are leaning more and more towards small fights. When I try and plant a seed to get her to think for herself, she becomes defensive and says that she misses the brotherhood, spiritual activities, and making Jehovah happy. Granted, I'm not faulting her for feeling good about the preaching work and being around like-minded people. My problem is the more I begin to have a balanced approach on things, the more right-wing she becomes to me. I love this woman to pieces, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. What I DON'T want, however, is to live a lie. I don't want to be married to a fanatic or someone that feels that we must jump through hoops as a family to somehow keep God's approval. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was a conversation we had earlier this evening when I asked her about the authenticity of her past ''friendships.'' As soon as she was announced as being disfellowshipped, her ''friends'' deleted her off of their social media site. What's more, all outside communication stopped, and the only people that still check up on her are a mutual friend of ours who has faded (changed religions actually), her family, and me. When I asked her where the love was in that, her response was; ''you don't think it hurts them to not be able to speak with me? You think they want to ignore me? I think it's loving because it reminds you of you error, and it prevents the sick ones from infecting the rest of the congregation."

    I lost it. I didn't curse her or anything, I simply asked her to define the logic in that. Pslams tells us that as East is from West, so are our sins before Jehovah. He doesn't call them to mind, so why should we? What's more, I asked her to show me an instance that Jesus ignored or rejected a sinner that sincerely wanted to change his course. She couldn't. All she said was that the elders are the ones that have the authoritiy to speak with disfellowshipped ones. I was dumbfounded. I called her brainwashed (not a good idea in retrospect). Whatever the case, it ended bad, as usual. I feel lost. I know in my heart that I have a true desire to serve God and imitate His son by being a good example in the community and doing my best to reflect Christian qualities. But I feel as if this has taken a backseat to procedure, rules, an the outward appearance of repentance. She is going to write her letter soon to join the congregation again. The sad thing is that I feel pressure to write mine because she's flat out told me that she loves me, but she will have to stop speaking to me until I'm reinstated. She'll always be there for me though. (her words).

    I am praying for wisdom. I love this woman, but it seems that she loves the organization more.

  • jamiebowers

    Love yourself first and let her go. Your only motivation to get reinstated at this point is to stay in her good graces. That is no way to live or to base a marriage. It will hurt at first, but the pain won't last forever. And you'll be able to start a whole new life based on freedom and honesty. Once you do that, you'll be available to someone who is your intellectual and spiritual equal.

  • Listener

    If you had planned on having children in the future, ask her how she would feel if your son or daughter had sex with someone they dearly loved and were disfellowshipped, would she feel it was right to shun them? Or what if your child got baptized young and later didn't accept the religion, maybe because they could find no proof that the GB had been appointed by Jesus in 1919. How would she feel if she could never, ever have any communication with them?

    Her answer will even help you to consider whether you really think this person will be the sort of mother that you would want for your children.

  • Crazyguy

    Unfortunately you may have to cut her loose. Show her what 1 cor 13:13 says and see how she reacts. If she is unmoving then you should maybe let her go, when people are indoctrinated so badly they lose all sense of reason (think Jonestown). Trust me I know what you mean about a totally different perspective spiritually, but these people can't see it. Even when you show them scriptures that prove your point it of no avail. You dont want to be married and have kids with some one like this it will drive you crazy, and the love will not survive the turmoil. This is what cults do, and she is a casualty!!!!

  • kaik

    Startingover, sorry to read about your troubles. JW reflect good and bad people as everyone on this Earth. There are some good people and some jackasses. But I agree with Jamie that you should let her go. If she wants to return to organization and you will not, she will eventually ditch you out, and you will end up hurt even more. Many JW do not care what is written in Scriptures, they care what the WT publishes. You can reason with her through the Scriptures, but what it seems it is not working. What it seems, she is getting mentally prepared to return into KH.

  • Finkelstein

    The Org. is a lying corrupt publishing house, why does she think God has his guiding spirit directing

    this organization ?

    Of course the men who run this organization want people to be loyal and subservient to them.

    If you read the bible carefully you'll see that your not suppose to be associating with false prophets

    and commercialized one at that, this was instructed by god himself.

    Clearly without debate or argument.

    The Watchtower publishing house is not god's chosen organization never was, never will be.


    What it is is a pretentious scam and people are being coerced and dubiously brainwashed to serve it

    and the men who run it, under a guise that Jehovah wants this to happen.

    ........he doesn't


    Just the statement that she would stop speaking to you unless you were reinstated speaks volumes. Trying to change her mind at this point is a no-win situation. Let her get reinstated....then if she stops speaking to you your course of action will be very clear: Cut her loose!!!

  • scary21

    It sounds like your growing apart. Your minds are going in different directions. Yes it will HURT. Think of it like this....would you rather cut off the tip of your baby finger now or your whole hand later on. Can you really be happy with someone that will always put you second ? No make that third. Second would be ok if it were God and then you....but no the GB comes before you. That is too much after you know TTATT !

  • Finkelstein

    Let it be realized that many JWS who get DFed return just because their established friends and

    family are connected to this organization/cult.

    That alone is a big deciding factor for certain ones to return in spite of apparently not so strong set beliefs.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Just remind your girlfriend that in each of the examples below, all the sinners/doubters got disfellowshipped, then shunned, then had to wait 12-18 months before being accepted back into the fold! :)

    Ask her to comment on God's/Jesus' forgiveness, compared to the Org's standards!

    (Matthew 28:16-17) However, the eleven disciples went into Gal´i·lee to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them, and when they saw him they did obeisance, but some doubted.

    (Matthew 26:75) And Peter called to mind the saying Jesus spoke, namely: "Before a cock crows, you will disown me three times." And he went outside and wept bitterly.

    (Luke 15:18-19) I will rise and journey to my father and say to him: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Make me as one of your hired men."’ (the prodigal son)

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