Most don't give a damn about the...children

by dubla 10 Replies latest social current

  • dubla

    you know made this satement on another thread concerning the child abuse issue:

    It has nothing to do with helping victims. I believe Bill Bowen is sincere, but I know most of the Bozos on this board couldn't give a damn about the plight of the children. / You Know
    personally, i find this statement although typical of jw mindset, very offensive, and thought others might want to sound off on it, so i re-posted it here....several people were already singling it out and commenting on it:

    How dare you assume that any of us posters here (include yourself) aren't serious. How do you know which of us have been abused, or have relatives or best friends that were? The first step in helping anyone is making the truth known! And if the organization you represent is so wonderful and wants the "truth" to be known, why are they making plans to df Bill for publishing the REAL TRUTH? Why is your logic always to evade the real point, and try to detract from the truth? Why not address the topics of who you really are, not being part of the world--including having an opinion or "valuing" the words of a worldly person? What would your elders/society think of your views? It sounds to me like YOU don't care about innocent children--and that's the most unchristian thing we can be. Do you really think Jesus would be part of an organization that hides known child molesters, and then when someone tries to expose them, they are df'd? I think not! He repeatedly showed his love for children. And if you cared, you would be protesting loudly like Bill is doing--it's wrong and should be stopped, not protected.

    That is interesting. I think that it is true people who don't care about the situation support it so that they can take down the WT. That's wrong. But, on a personal level, I had a friend have this happen to them, so it's definitly an issue.

    Yeah sure, thats why no one ever supports Bill or posts to his Child Abuse threads.

    You know just says things like saying them will make them true.

    Just plain silly.


    myself, i have someone in my immediate family that was severly sexually abused at a very young age by her father and her grandfather, so the topic certainly hits home for me. for someone to assume i dont care about the children simply because im "anti-jw" is ridiculous.


  • Billygoat

    That's typical of YouKnow and many JWs. Making broad encompassing statements that aren't true. *shaking head* What's really sad is that YK has no idea that God is most likely embarrassed by YK's actions and words on this board. Personally, I feel sorry for him.

    As for his quote above: totally false.


  • blondie

    Many people only understand about child sexual abuse when their own child or one close to them is abused.

    The lawyer, Jeffrey Anderson, who represents so many in this area, had the misfortune of having his daughter abused. It adds fire to his approach.

  • You Know
    You Know

    You are taking that quote out of context. My statement in its entirety was: Besides, most apostates are immoral dogs, fornicators and homosexuals, and what-not, who have no love of truth or righteousness. They are jumping on the child abuse bandwagon because they want to inflict as much damage on the Watchtower as they can. It has nothing to do with helping victims. I believe Bill Bowen is sincere, but I know most of the Bozos on this board couldn't give a damn about the plight of the children.

    Surely you don't find that offensive do you? LOL A lot of apostates on this forum brag about the immoral sexploits, and the rest congratulate them for their doggy antics. So, the issue with the children being abused has nothing to do with morality, but is merely something Watchtower haters are quick to exploit as a convenient hot-button issue. / You Know

  • TR

    Het YK,

    I don't give a shit if some people here fuck pumpkins for a living. But anything remotely resembling a child abuser is pond scum in my book; the book of common sense, unlike your book of false prophecy and delusional thinking.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • dungbeetle


    Many of the 'apostates' who brag on this forum about their sexual exploits WERE NEVBER JW'S

    Let me repeat that for the mentally challenged: WERE NEVER JW'S.

    So how can they be apostates?

    They have nothing to do with JW's and in fact are pretty much just trolling....AND HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO IS ex-jw and who isn't?

    I don't udnerstand who you are picking and choosing who lies and who doesn't, or who is lying about what and when TODAY or THIS WEEK.

    I don't hold Watchtower OR Jehovah's Witnesses responsible for YOUR conduct

    (not do I give them credit when YOU post knowlegeable and insightful posts, which occasionally you do---don't let that go to your head, okay, support for you does not imply agreement, get that straight---)

    So why do you hold some people on this board responsible for the conduct of a few POSSIBLE ex-jw's (meaning maybe they are apostate, maybe not).

    Don't answer me, you almost never do; I suspect becasue by now you are aware I am female.


    <hoping YOU KNOW drags his sorry *ss into the twenthieth century SOMEDAY SOON...>

  • blondie

    It is one thing to "commit immorality" with a willing party than to rape and molest a child who is not a willing participant. The sin of child molesting is a far greater sin.

    Adulterers and fornicators choose willing partners. Pedophiles prey on defenseless children who are not willing.

    We are all sinners according the Bible and nothing we do will ever "earn" the right to life. Can "sinners" show compassion and be concerned about the welfare of these children? Most certainly, just like all the other sinners in the world.

  • Gopher

    YK says

    most apostates are immoral dogs, fornicators and homosexuals

    What a smear! (Assuming by apostates, we go by the WT Society's definition that means you don't believe every dot and tittle of what they currently say....)

    Even if some on the board choose fornication and homosexuality, that's sex between consenting adults. Such conduct (no matter what your opinion of it may be) has nothing to do with the sickness that is pedophilia.

    Oh yeah, we're ex-JW's, so we can't tell the difference. Yeah right.


    P.S. to Blondie: Right on, as usual!!

  • Billygoat


    Even with the context around it, your statement:

    I believe Bill Bowen is sincere, but I know most of the Bozos on this board couldn't give a damn about the plight of the children. still totally false and has no basis. How do you know what we give a damn about or not? You don't know ANY of us here or what experiences we've had in our lives. Just because some people may brag about their sexual exploits, does that include MOST of us? If some JWs are pedophiles, does that include you too? That's about how broad (and incorrect) your statement is.


  • dubla


    yes, your statement about the children, and who cares or doesnt care, is still just as offensive with your added "context", which is why i didnt post it in its entirety to begin with. regardless of what context you put it in, you are accusing "most" of us (meaning majority) of not giving a damn about the abused children. this is just a tactic on your part, and as andi said, you know none of us personally, or which causes we care or do not care about. its really a sick comment, and unfortunate that your mind works that way.


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