WT for This Sunday...1/26/2014..Were they still in Egypt?

by Legacy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legacy


    Ex. 12:1:Jehovah now said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:

    This is from this week’s WT..Obey Jehovah’s Shepherds….(no matter what). I added that part..

    A part of Para. # 14

    Obedience to those who today are

    taking the lead among us is vital. Think

    of how Jehovah communicated with

    his people during critical times in the

    past. When the people of Israel left ancient

    Egypt, God’s orders for them came

    through Moses and Aaron. To survive

    the tenth plague, the Israelites had to

    obey the instructions to have a special

    meal and to splash some of the blood

    of a slaughtered sheep on the doorposts

    and lintels of their houses

    They didn’t leave Egypt when Aaron & Moses rec’d this message, yes, this was to be done from that time & onward, even after they left Egypt, but this was a lifesaving message given to them WHILE THEY WERE STILL IN EGYPT…For I will pass through the land of Egypt on this night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast;+ and I will execute judgment on all the gods of Egypt.+ I am Jehovah. 13 The blood will serve as your sign on the houses where you are; and I will see the blood and pass over you, and the plague will not come on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.+

    This was to make sure God wouldn’t destroy them when the plague came…if they left Egypt, there would be no need for this to happen…they would have been out of there, so God could bring the plague if he wanted to….it wouldn’t affect them in the least….Again, this was a protection for them WHILE THEY WERE STILL IN EGYPT..

    So what do some of you think...is Satan blinding me ? I was thinking on Sunday to answer the question I would comment & read directly from the bible & say the first line of this scripture....Ex. 12:1:Jehovah now said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt....blah blah. Now I know that no one will say anything but maybe a little lightbulb will go off in their heads....I'm not looking for any major change of mind...but just an ummm moment from the friends, would be an improvement....


  • galaxie

    Basically what you are trying to show is an inconsistency/ Contradiction but to what end?. If you really want to expose "WATCHTOWER" There are many more and may I say , more serious issues you could expose. See J.W.Facts for plenty ammunition. Good luck.

  • snare&racket

    Then moses faked a miracle..... and tried to get the followers to worship him....

  • Oubliette

    I'm thinking the whole idea of OBEY a SHEPHERD is a lot more whacked than the awkwardness of the WT's description of the timing of events.

    Sure, they had to follow instructions. But they (allegedly) had 9 previous plagues to PROVE to them that Moses was from God.

    What has the GB got? .... Nothing. Has anything the WT leadership ever predicted ever come true?

    No. They used to point to the dwindling number of anointed at the Memorial each year as "proof" that the end is nigh. You've noticed they stopped that a few years ago.

    What about this whole "overlapping generation" nonsense. The current GB is a group of clueless fools on a delusional power-trip. They've lost the thread, ... actually, I'm not sure they ever even had it.

    Obeying them is equivalent to obeying the Pharisees of Jesus' day.

    'nough said.

  • LostGeneration

    Poor editing, which is par for the course these days. They should have simply referred to the 10th plague before they wrote about leaving Egypt.

    I guess their 70-something checkpoint system failed them again. Just like the reference to four generations in the yearbook someone else posted about today.



  • Crazyguy

    Moses was thier mediator and Aaron would soon be their high priest, Jesus replaced them both for us christians. We don't need no stinking governing body. Their attempt to make claim that we need to follow them is them basicly saying they are our mediator and high priest, this is blasphemy and idolatry. They should be stoned.

  • SAHS

    “Yeah, but the light gets brighter.”

    You know that you’re likely to hear something like that, sounding like a little sound byte coming from a robot, if you call a JW on any kind of technicality. “The light gets brighter,” “The Governing Body members aren’t perfect but they’re humble, loyal, and sincere,” “Jehovah has appointed the Faithful and Discreet Slave to organize the work,” and, of course, another one of their favorites, “Where else would we go? Who else are busy doing the preaching work which Christ commanded in these last days?”

    You know that you’ll get one or more of the above no matter what inconsistency you could point out to them. It’s almost like the sound effects guy on the Howard Stern Show – just pull up a standard pre-recorded canned response from the very narrow repertoire and press “play.”

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    More "Obey, obey, obey," from the WT. I reckon it's increasing. Helped me to wake up and hopefully will help others too.

  • WTWizard

    The lousy timing is just one more example of how the washtowel can't get anything right. Yes, the obeying of a leader is more serious--it is that which can allow serious doctrinal problems to go unchecked. But, when you can't get the events timed right, where is the trust that they can get anything right? And would you even trust the leaders to save your life if they can't even get their facts in line? Especially given that they supposedly have spent their lives studying these facts--so faulty research is not an excuse here.

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