Blood Issue- Calgary Father Needs Help

by hawkaw 26 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • waiting

    My check will be in the mail tomorrow. If everyone only contributed $25 to this cause...

    We have to be a team to fight the Tower. They have the deep pockets and will try to bankrupt anyone who is going to set a legal precedent unfavorable to them. That's all the more reason we absolutely have to work together to bring this evil Tower down!

    Blue Sapphire

    I concur 100% - and my check is in the mail today. Not much to help save a young girl's life. Will she appreciate it? Probably not now......but her life may be long yet because of her dad's stupendous fight with the WTBTS to save her life.

    Thanks Hawk!


  • outnfree


    Thanks for the update, Hawk! After I saw you in chat the other day I was going to write to ask how LH was doing with this.

    I have already sent one check, but will send another as soon as I can.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Simon

    We'll post something.

    This is a guy who is going head-to-head with the WTS. How many of us have wanted to do that but not been able to?

    Well, he has had to and it's happening right here, right now and millions of people know about it 'cause it's on major news sites and the like.

    Lets send a message to the WTS that they can't push people around anymore and save a life while we're at it.

    BTW: Any Canadians know if cheques in £ sterling are OK or cost a lot to cash? (banks here charge quite a bit for that sort of thing).

  • Scully


    BTW: Any Canadians know if cheques in £ sterling are OK or cost a lot to cash? (banks here charge quite a bit for that sort of thing).

    I believe it varies from one bank to another. Usually there's a small percentage in commission for currency exchange. I don't know if your postal system offers money orders that can be drafted in Canadian funds - ours here will make up a money order for a fee of $2.50 Canadian (I think that's a little more than 1£ sterling) and it can be in Canadian, American or Sterling.

    I'm sending something today too.

    Love, Scully

  • ChristianObserver

    Hello Simon :o)

    It doesn't look like you can send a postal order to Canada, and a Moneygram up to £100 in value (gets there in 10 mins) costs £12.00 via the PO, but I don't know if you can send that to a PO box! I'm checking with the bank tomorrow to see what they can offer.

    Anyone know if you can send registered/recorded mail to a PO Box in Canada (trying to think of alternative methods)?

    Thanks :o)

  • Scully

    Whenever registered mail is delivered in Canada, it must be signed for by the addressee or an agent of the addressee. If it is to be delivered to a PO Box, a card will be left indicating that registered mail is to be picked up and signed for. This shouldn't be too difficult to do, as the person who has the key for the PO Box, is likely authorized to pick up the mail from the same location.

    Hope this helps.

    Love, Scully

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Any update on the status of this girl or her father's situation?

    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

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