by silentlambs 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    That's it! Hit 'em where it hurts!

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • Pathofthorns

    A well-written press release.

    The letters notices sent from the Society are truely disgusting, particularly the second one. It appears the elders of that particular congregation have counsel from the Society representing them, but they make it clear that that the accused is not permitted such. That there is a co-oridinated effort to get rid of you all is disgusting as well.

    Even the term "causing divisions" is so vague that any thinking member of the public would be concerned about a group that behaves this way when members manifest a differing opinion.

    The Society will completely avoid any reference to child abuse with regard to your disfellowshipping. In the Society's eyes, the issue is irrelevant to the charge of "causing divisions". I think the whole "trial" will focus on how you handled your concerns over the Society's policy and not on their policies themselves or child abuse. Basically the time has come to get rid of you and they will do it on a dirty technicality.

    Personally I would not bow to their authority by submitting to their farce of a judicial committee. At the same time I am unaware of other options or even if the matter can be pursued legally. It will certainly be interesting.

    Perhaps you can request a written explanation of the charges and offer to respond to any concerns they have IN WRITING - the same manner they request a disassociation. Of course they will not oblige but at least you will have proof that you endeavored to cooperatate in an honorable and forthright manner.

    It is clear the Society must stack the deck in its favour in order to achieve their objectives. It says much when they won't put anything in writing or hold their trials in front of witnesses.

    Good luck.


  • ignored_one


    Just wondering, do you think the media in the UK would be interested?

    I'll email them (if possible) if you think it's a good idea. I know of one newspaper who would be very interested.

    Ignored One.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Hey Bill we’re rootin’ for you all – thanks for keeping us posted. I’m sure that with your knowledge of the JW’s and some legal counsel from someone like Jeffrey Anderson you should do alright ... at least legally.

    I think the phone calls asking if you were df’d and your subsequent call to the WT could have something to do with the Society’s latest move. Maybe they believe it’s the right timing. After all, the press is probably too busy with the Catholic Church to cover these dfings and, in a few days, the story will be all over. We all know they took this action under prayerful consideration and are convinced the spirit is with them on this but wow!!! a FIRST ... an actual written summons to the kangaroo court. Will your case re-rite dfing instructions?

  • hawkaw

    From a strictly optics point of view, they would be wise not to disfellowship Bill and Barb. And that is what they had been doing up to now. I wonder what or who has decided to play the game in a different way.

    All I have to say is it has given Bill and Barb another opportunity to get their stories in the lamestreet press and bring more harm to the WTS. It makes me wonder how this sick cult who can easily manipulate sheeple (aka people) has lasted this long.


  • avengers

    Let me get this right.

    You are allowed to have witnesses at a judicial hearing, but only if they are cleared by the judicial committee itself...??huh???????

    Mr. and Mrs. Pandello may present evidence or witnesses on their behalf at this hearing.
    As a reminder, attorneys are not permitted at congregation judicial meetings.
    In other words then does the judicial committee decide who can be my witness at the hearing?
    How can it be possible that the ones judging me decide who can act as my witness?
    Can these kind of procedures be allowed in a democratic system?
    I'm just asking?
    Or am I just too dumb too understand this kind of reasoning?
  • morrisamb

    Oh my god, It's like the boss is calling you into a meeting and you're going to get fired! Betcha some on the committee are nervous; the other half feels like they are on The Mod Squad!
    God do those letters bring back memmories...

  • freeman

    Take solace in the fact that you are not alone Bill Bowen. Like others before you, many whistle-blowers have become targets of the organizations they try to reform. You are in very good company my friend. The more noble the cause, the more cruel the treatment will be. And what could be a more noble cause then protecting innocent children? Nothing.

    I have seen first hand the treatment of such ones, and it is despicable to say the least. The greatest weapon you have is exposing the truth. You are doing quite a good job of this, as indicated by the Watch Tower’s response. YOU ARE WINNING!

    Keep up the fine fight for the little innocent ones Bill Bowen, and remember you are not alone, the thoughts, hopes, and prayers of many are with you.



    G'Day billy boy.

    I believe you are doing an honourable work.

    You unlike many of us, WILL be saving lives i reakon.

    Isnt it possible for you to take a microphone or small concealed camera into the judicial meeting, we could even run it live time on the net. If you do not have the necessary equiptment and are willing to do it, i will finance it for you.

  • Seeker4

    I have to agree with Hawkaw - this is seriously poor timing. I don't think the problems with the Catholic Church will make this look insignificant. Just the opposite. In all of this, has the Church ever once tried to silence or excommunicate its critics from within?? Far from it.

    High ranking Catholic clergy and well-known Catholic laity have spoken out strongly in criticising the Church, yet they remain members in good, perhaps even imporved, standing.

    But not the JWs. Criticize the Watchtower Society for harboring child sexual abusers and you'll be disfellowshipped and shunned.

    My god!! Is the WTS stupid or what? And to do this as such an obviously Bethel-arranged action, all happening at the same time in three different locations, speaks volumes.

    Who will know about this brand of JW justice? Every person who lurks here silently wondering if they should stay a Witness. Every person called on in the ministry who types "Jehovah's Witnesses" in a search engine.

    Blunder after blunder after blunder. Good job Bethel - keep it up!!

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