The Day of Armageddon In our life time

by U.2.K. 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • U.2.K.

    Do anybody else Believe that the Messiah Will Return In our life time? CAuse We all know that "PEACE & SAFETY" Is the last Sign.. And I already mention that it's on a very low Scale, it's Come but has'nt passed yet(when Billions Believe everything is safe)...

    I believe it will Come in my life time, I'm only 20 years old and I damn sure aint going to die... Luke- 21-36 < Is the Way that you can survive up to the day of christ Day....What y'all think?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    U.2.K. will you kindly elaborate on this 'Peace & Security'sign? Give us the details instead of just making a quote/statement.

    Guest 77

  • Celia


    I believe it will Come in my life time, I'm only 20 years old and I damn sure aint going to die... Luke- 21-36 < Is the Way that you can survive up to the day of christ Day....What y'all think?

    U.2.K., young people, teenagers and in their 20s, don't believe they're ever going to die. Nothing new. They all think they are indestructible. That should change when you're in your late twenties, early thirties... Life catches up to you by then.

  • SYN


    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • U.2.K.

    Alright, Jesus Christ Said that in order for the end to come, Every Sign must be come & pass-Matt 24 verse 34, not to mention be fulfilled. Every Sign/Event has already pass that Christ talked about, from Wars, Rumor of Wars, An-ti-christ's(I could name some) matt 24;7 & food Shortages, Great EarthQuakes, & So on. Luke 21:31, 32, & Luke 21-36 Will help those Who are Righteous Servants of God & Christ to Survive till the end of age < it's a fact that we who id living right now, Is infact in the last days

    Now I only Read from the King james Version, So christ words are highlighted in red, and the rest are from Jehovah's 40 Men who thoughs was from Jehovah...So In 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5, Verse 3, Jehovah Tells that The Coming of the Lord/Messiah Will happen When the World seeks for peace & safety, then Sudden Destruction Shall come. < Now if you look back to what christ said about how Nobody knows when the end will come, only the father knows- Matt 24:36

    So Sudden Is not in man eyes, But Jehovah eyes. So that must mean that, After Billions Think it's peace, Then My guess it's gonna Come When nobody notice, like 2 years from that, Cause if people knew- Matt 24: 43...< It's common sense to understand that peace & safety is the last Sign, also In 2 Tim Chapter 4 Verse 4, it talks about how Millions will turn away from the truth> Last Days

    That's scary, Cause Once armageddon Come, the Whole World is going to Rain fire & Brimstone, So I think it's best for people to Wise Up & seek meekfulness, Cause I damn sure do not want to be caught up in it.... Anyway I'm about 100% The end Will come in our time, I'm praying on that, Cause I dont wanna die and wait for a Resurrection...

  • ashitaka


  • coffee_black

    My grandparents, (in the borg from 1910 until their deaths) believed just as strongly that they were in the last days, and that armageddon was just around the corner and would absolutely come in their lifetime. They were wrong. My parents believed the same thing right up until their deaths in the late '70s. They were wrong.

    You can believe anything you want to, but it doesn't make it fact.
    They cited the same scriptures you do, and thought they knew just as much. (probably more...having been in it so long...and my Dad with an IQ that was off the charts) But it didn't happen. Learn from their mistake.


  • U.2.K.

    Yes, But Now in our life time People are already saying peace & safety, that afgan leader said it, and so did his followers, so Even tho the last sign is on a low scale, I'm still praying that it will, and I'm going to ignore those who try to overthrow my faith...

  • coffee_black

    If your faith is in an organization, it is misplaced. If it is in having all the answers, it is misplaced. I have complete faith in God.
    My faith in God gives me the peace of mind to ignore all the false prophets. My faith also gives me the freedom to admit that I don't have all the answers, but I know the One who does. I trust Him. Humans will fail you. Your own "knowledge" will fail you. He never will. Put your faith where it belongs.


  • COMF

    That's scary, Cause Once armageddon Come

    You know what's REALLY scary? You could walk outside at any moment and get hit by a meteorite. I live in constant terror because of it.


    And, as the cock crew, those who stood before
    The tavern shouted--"Open then the door!
    "You know how little while we have to stay,
    "And, once departed, may return no more."

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