Atheism Explained

by Dis-Member 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather


    Why put the onus on God? It's child's responsibility to be grateful to the Father for the providence he enjoys from Him and to speak for Him! It is a good sign that ice has started to melt in some parts of the world! A whole bunch of scientists from various disciplines in the US seem to have leaped headlong into the fray as if wanting to catch up with time lost chasing more empirical entities. Andrew Newberg, Director of Research at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, scans peoples brains while theyre having a spiritual experience and concludes that the neurobiology of mystical experience arose, at least in part, from the mechanism of the sexual response. Meanwhile, Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute is trying to link religion/spirituality to a specific gene called VMAT as a result of twin studies. Psychiatrist Rick Strassman traces spirituality to a single compound called DMT that he believes triggers mystical visions and suggests its produced in the pineal gland. Neuroscientist Todd Murphy markets the Shakti Headset machine so one can explore ones consciousness. And Vilayanur Ramachandran, another neuroscientist, has presented evidence of how the brain processes spiritual experience after noticing that people with temporal lobe epilepsy have stronger religious feelings. Of course, the research is all comfortably couched in organic functionality and molecular language. Thats inevitable. But the fact is, like consciousness studies which were once considered anathema in scientific circles but have now made a respectful comeback, the spiritual side of human beings is also being explored by science.

  • Dis-Member

    The people who become the most convinced atheists are those who were the most serious about religion. They tend to give short shrift to the possibility that any human religion, or any ideas that closely resemble it, could actually be true, because they have already fully explored that line of inquiry and found it to be a dead end. They see no reason to waste any more time exploring "possibilities" that have zero chance of being accurate explanations of reality.

    I think that's where I am at. But I am not atheist. I still believe.. or maybe hope is a better word. I have just taken a break in looking for God among the religions of humans. I tried very hard and sincerely for around 35 years and did not find him there.

  • DeWandelaar

    @abiather... you do not really understand what I mean do you? First of all I say I am no atheist... but I am not a theist either (I do not believe that this higher power is controlling the events... that is a human teaching and based on old books from some horny shepherds in the desert).

    You are calling him a father and us his childs... well... I do not like to be a father who lets his kids riddle their way in life all the time without any clarification. Therefore the onus INDEED lies with him. A father is bigger then a child isn't he? An adult can be taken into full account what he has done or not done... A child can't in the same degree.

    I do not understand how any theist even conscider himself a child to someone who doesn't show himself... the "love" they feel is simply an emotion that is not coming because of a outside factor but more of wishfull thinking of the person himself. It is the same for a kid which father has suddenly left their lives and the kids are pampering a warm feeling for the father and while thinking of him get warm emotions (although they got betrayed by him).

    It is therefore that I can not be accounted for anything since there is nothing in MY time that has convinced me of his existence and his real wishes with me as a "son". If he did I would follow him straight away.... and "HE" if he WAS omnitopent would have known that. ;)

  • punkofnice

    Where do you get your morality from? I'm just a good bloke from a nice family.

    You do not believe in anything, your life must be so empty? It didn't do much good when I did believe, I still lost my family. I don't believe in god but when I did it only brought me harm. My life isn't anymore empty than when I believed in the sky twat.

    Why are you mad at God? God doesn't exist. I cannot be mad at something non existant. However, I'm annoyed at myself for believing such crap.

    What if you're wrong? I'm not. The lack of evidence speaks volumes mate!

    You just have to have faith. Why?

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