Why the New World Bible Translation is special

by pixel 28 Replies latest watchtower bible



  • Shador

    Now, y'all shouldn't make fun of the RNWT like that. It's not stupid, it's just "special".


    ................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Yeah, forget about ALL those scholars that dedicated their WHOLE lives to the study of ancient languages and translation. Forget about the fact that many of them were charged with heresy, some were brutally murdered for their attempts to provide the Bible in a readable translation for the common man, Forget about the fact that they developed concordances, dictionaries, commentaries on the peculiarities of Koine Greek....FORGET ABOUT ALL THOSE SHOULDERS UPON WHICH THESE ARROGANT, SELF-ABSORBED, EGO-CENTRIC, AND SELF-APPOINTED ELITISTS STAND....THEY are the ones that have made it "the finest" translation ever, forget about its contents and who they should be attributing honor and glory. No, THEY are the ones that make it the "finest."

    Just a thought,


  • pixel

    They made it the "finest" because they are "annointed".

    By the wat, if they say that "the sons of God (annoited) did the translation of the new NWT, does that means the Big 8 IS the commitee?? So they are not anonymous anymore????

  • Wonderment

    No wonder "worldly" people dislike Jehovah's Witnesses so much. They themselves are responsible for alienating others as potential Witnesses with comments as those.

    Here in this forum, many have seen me defending the NWT in some places. Overall, I think it is a great translation. It has been one of my favorites for a long time. However, I dislike their arrogant approach at times.

    All translators stand ‘on the shoulders of giants’ before them. The WTS is dependable on such ‘giants’ just as much as other translators are. A little humility would suit them well. Another thing: there are hundreds of scholars with Masters and Ph.Ds around, and it is only proper to acknowledge their efforts. Don't we generally treat doctors and law enforcement leaders we deal with with respect? So why would WT leaders have the need to glorify themselves to keep their adherents in place?

    It would have sounded better to claim that the NWT is "one of the finest [not "the finest translation"] translations available worldwide," and even that is pushing it.

  • LucidChimp

    They called one of the schools they sent me to "special".

    There was a girl there who couldn't spell her own name. (Fun times)

    The RNWT... Pretty damn... Unique.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    fastJehu >>> The german yearbook translate "Dear Fellow Domestics" into "Dear brothers and sisters"


    Now, to translate it into "Dear slaves" (Hausknechte), that wouldn't sound upbeat, would it? . .

  • problemaddict

    WAIT! The logical fallicy is just too delicious.

    If the angels themselves helped translate the NWT.....WHY THE HELL is it being revised. The angels were a bit wordy, or didn't quite understanding "knowing" vs "knowledge" yet? Maybe the angels don't speak great english? Maybe they are chatterboxes, so that 13% reduction was just angel babble?

    Will anyone even notice this? It might as well have been golden plates that nobody could see.

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