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by Pete Zahut 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Mrs. ZaHut made Facebook contact with a friend she grew up with. The friend is from a large JW family. So far she's only sent the following brief message.

    " .... No one in our family are JW. However, (sister 1, brother 1, & brother 2) only attend the conventions. (Husband) and myself don't attend at all unless someone passes. We will go their services. I believe in Jehovah, but not in the organization. Since the age of 16, I am at peace with my choice.

    Most of the people we knew growing up as JW's, are gone. Now that we've walked away, we're finding out about relatives and old friends who have done the same. It's interesting to hear their side of the story.

    If each of the current 7 million JW's knows as many people who have come and gone from the religion as I do, there must be millions more who have left it, than there are still "in"it !

  • gma-tired2

    Pete my experience with JWs I grew up with most have now moved on with their lives. 3 kids in my family 2 faded and 1 JW. My husband 4 children' 3 faded and 1 JW. Simular satistics in the familes I was in KH with. My best guess is 1 in 3 raised in JWs remains a JW for life. By the way all these kids are now senior citizens except one she is only mid 50's

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    My JW mom raised four children as JWs.

    Me (inactive).

    My three siblings never got baptized.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • sir82

    I am thoroughly convinced there are more ex-JWs than JWs in the world. Especially if you count kids raised in the religion who took off the first chance they got.

  • punkofnice

    Pete -

    I believe in Jehovah, but not in the organization.

    This is a dilemma I see from time to time.....not fully mentally out. I guess the WBT$ has done a good job with their propaganda.

    Although some people still treat me as if I'm a JW.....I am now far from it. DA'd, musician, got an exJW gf, smoke.....but I really feel I'm a better person now I have shed the cult persona. Sad to see some that can't quite let go.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I am thoroughly convinced there are more ex-JWs than JWs in the world.

    The organization keeps detailed account of everything except their own failures. No one knows how many people have come and gone and the untold permenent damage done to individuals or families over the decades but every JW know's or is related to at least one person who for one reason or another, called it quits or was kicked out. These people just vanish into nonexistance as far as the Watchtower is concerned. It would be quite an eye opener (and an embarrasment to them) if there were a well publicized EX JW Convention somewhere and see how many turned up in attendance. Youtube videos could be made as individuals related their own experiences on stage.

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