In search of my birth mother - can you help???

by Billygoat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    This might be a piece of history some of you don't know about me. I know a couple of you do. So I'm hoping maybe y'all might have some suggestions in how I move forward.

    My mother and father divorced when I was about 4. We lived in Japan and my father was granted custody. Not because my mother was unfit, but because it was a mutual decision of my parents. They figured a half Japanese child would fair better in the US than a half American child in Japan. (It was 1975.) So my dad was granted custody and we moved back to the States.

    I remember a couple years later she came to the US to visit me. My father and I took the long drive from Rock Island, Illinois down to St. Louis, Missouri to pick her up. It was a long trip, which I slept through, but dad drove. I don't remember much about her arrival other than Dad let me wear my pajamas in the airport and he let me chew some bubble gum. (He never let me have gum when I was little. Funny how you remember the strangest little details as a child.) Anyway, I do remember thinking she was very nice and spent a week with my father and I. She brought lots of toys from Japan and we spent a lot of time together. Dad took a lot of pictures of us together, some of which I still have. The older I get the more I resemble her. It's uncanny sometimes. I remember taking the long drive to the airport to see her off. I remember her crying as she left. Her tears scared me and I clung to my father because I didn't understand why she was upset.

    I never saw her again, although we corresponded just a few times when I was in my early teens. By then my father had remarried and started a new family. One where I never really fit into. I always felt like I was forgotten and left on the back burner. I don't remember much about the letters with my natural mother, other she didn't read English and I didn't read Japanese so our correspondence was laborious. We both had friends that would have to translate the letters for us. It would take weeks to get a letter and then have it translated. I don't have the letters anymore, but I do remember just a few phrases from them:

    "I cried tears of joy when I saw your handwriting."
    "I have remarried a nice Japanese man." (I don't know his name, but I do know she had two, maybe three additional children with him. In one letter she enclosed pictures of the four of them. I still have them.)
    "I am glad to know your father remarried. I hope your new mother is good to you."
    "Isn't there another Protestant church you could attend?" (Dad told me to tell her I was now a JW and would be sending her a bible.) LOL.

    But now because that relationship with my father and step-mother is so strained (non-existent?) I want to find my birth mother. IF she is still living, I don't question she loves me. I know she thought it best that my father take care of me. I know every August 7th she remembers my birthday. I know she wonders what I'm up to and whether I have my own family. But part of me is scared that her husband and children don't know about me. Part of me is scared that she is dead and I will never know her again. But I'm trying not to let those fears keep me from at least TRYING to find her.

    So... question to you is where can I start? Here is what I know:

    Her first and last maiden name
    Birthday - just July 1948
    She was 9th of 9 children
    Her parents were Shinto and Buddhist
    She was married once before my father
    She remarried once again after my father and has at least two children.

    As you can see, it's really not much to work off of. It would be easier if she lived in the US, but I doubt she does. Last I knew, she lived in Okinawa. So other than that, I don't know her remarried name or where she lives. I don't know if she went to school or is working. I just don't know where to begin, but I know I must.

    Can anyone help me with at least a resource of where I can go? Please?


  • LDH


    Off the cuff I have a suggestion.

    This is the type of story that newspapers LOVE to get ahold of. You may do some research and find out what newpapers are printed in Okinawa and start by writing letters to the editor.

    Also, here is a link..wait a minit shit I can't find it.

    One of the three big networks is doing a show called Reunions--they are looking for people with stories like yours.

    I thought I had it bookmarked--can anyone help? I do have some other leads, I'll be back.


  • Dutchie

    These people may be able to help you:

    Consul General of Japan
    Address 50 Fremont Street, Suite 2200
    San Francisco, California 94105
    (for the directions, please click here)
    Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m., closed noon - 1:00p.m.
    Telephone (415)777-3533
    Fax (415)777-0518
    E-mail [email protected]
    (Please include your name, address and telephone number when you e-mail us because it is not always possible to respond by e-mail, depending on the nature of the inquiry.)

    Good luck!

  • AjaxMan


    I wish you the best in finding your Mother.

    An idea: you can try using the People Search on Yahoo. Or on the Internet, try to see if you can get to find a search agency in Okinawa or Japan. It might be either costly or frustrating, but hopefully, it might be worth it.

    Best wishes and Good Luck in your search.

    Kisses and Hugs.


  • Beans

    I wish you all the best of luck! I have been trying to find out family info for the last year but the family is not responding, I think there was a JW issue in the past and even after telling them I am not one I still get no response. The bottom line is if they don`t want to talk to you the search becomes very difficult!


  • hillary_step


    You are a very special young lady, and I hope that your search is fruitfull and brings both your mother and yourself together in peace.

    My own advise is to try the Japanese consulate in the US. I have found them more than helpful whenever I have dealt with them. It would help to write beforehand before telephoning. As you no doubt know the Japanese are very formal about these things!

    Good luck Andi - HS

  • BobsGirl


    Check out this link. Middle of the page. Good Luck!


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • ZazuWitts


    You have received some great suggestions. From what you remember about your mother, I would expect her to experience much joy if you can get in touch.

    I have one other possible suggestion.
    We have a poster who lives in Japan, JWD. Haven't seen him around here recently, but check the member's list.
    If you e-mailed him, he might have some ideas also.

    Hoping you soon have a very happy reunion with mom. ((((Hugs))))

  • JeffT

    Andi e-mail the information to me. My employer has an office in Tokyo and there is a Japanese woman working here who's sole job is to communicate to our Japanese investors. I don't have any idea what, if anything she can do, but I'll talk to her about it.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    You have a lot of clues...I believe she is very 'findable'. If I were in your shoes, I would contact 2 or 3 of the largest locate agencies in the U.S. and ask them if they have counterparts in Japan. Also, was your Dad in the military? If so, they hold records that would possibly have a lot of clues as to your mother's side of the can get those thru the Freedom of Information Act.

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