The END did NOT come in their lifetime part 2," They lied to the end!"

by DATA-DOG 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    A sweet old Sister recently passed away. That moved me to write part 1 of " The END did NOT come..." So here is the latest. Sister X goes to the hospital for her issues. The doctors say that nothing can be done. Of course the Elder and their wives go to "comfort" the family. I feel bad for them, all of them really. What can you do? There is no way to really alleviate the suffering of death, even if there is an afterlife.

    So Sister X is in hospice care and her body is shutting down. She is in terrible pain. She keeps saying that she just wants to die, over and over. The doctors give her drugs to ease the pain. It's terrible, but I get it, she is tired and needs to rest. Anyway, I am told that someone, I am thinking an Elder or Elderette [because they were there] spoke to Sister X during one her conscious moments. What follows really saddened and infuriated me at the same time. To the best of my knowledge this is the general conversation that took place.

    Sister X awakens from her drug induced state, she is frightened. She asks, " Where am I? What happened? Did I die? Am I in the paradise?" A comforter says, " Yes. You did. You are in paradise now." Slowly, Sister X realizes what is happening and where she is. Hysterically, she cries out, " No! I am not in the paradise! I have not died! I am dying!" Hours later, she was gone.


  • nonjwspouse

    DD that is a particularly painful story to read.

  • prologos

    the end of a life is such a significant event.

    to have it sullied by lies, even last-minute financial maneuvering, as has been reported here, would show the real stark hidden face of a S&Religion

  • LisaRose

    My parents were also sure they would never die. My mom was born in 1926, my dad in 1919. They were younger than the "generation that would not pass away". My dad died in 1994 of emphysema, too many cigarettes before he became a JW. My mom died of cancer in 2001. I left the dubs in 2000, but she allowed me to visit her in March of that year. but when I got home she wrote me a letter saying she wanted to die with a clean conscience, so no more communication. I respected her wishes, she died in June, they didn't even call me when she went to the hospital. She died still believing.

    In the end I couldn't even feel anything. She always felt I wasn't a good enough witness, she couldn't love and appreciate five of her six children because she saw us as lacking, only active dubs were OK in her book. I didn't hate her, she was a victim of a cult, as I had been. Sad.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    A jw I know whose dfd dad was dying in hospital went to see the old man after years of shunning him. His explanation to we other jws? "Think of what a terrible witness it would be to the nurses if his own son didn't visit him on his death bed." Maybe that's what he told us, but I'd like to think he just wanted to see his dad as his dad for the last time.

    I wonder if the jw oldies face death as peacefully as non jws? A non jw makes peace with mortality because he or she has always known a grave was waiting at the end. A jw though goes through life with the false promise of Armageddon coming "in their lifetime". I've known jws dying of cancer praying to Jehovah to keep them alive just long enough to see Armageddon. They die. I'm not sure they made their peace with life and much of life unlived because it was wasted for the cult, and the death they were promised wouldn't happen.

  • quellycatface

    Poor lady.I don't know what else to say.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Poor old woman. What a truly sad picture it brings to mind.

    Being indoctrinated by a cash-driven organization will only lead to tears and monumental disappointment.

    Make THE truth your own (whatever you personally discern it to be) - not THEIR version of it!

  • Heartofaboy



    Well...two more long time faithful JWS have gone the way of the Dodo. They waited on Jeehoober to start their "real life" for them. I guess they aren't part of the "millions" class or Great Crowd. Another faithful oldster, who wouldn't give you the time of day for being a doubter, has been given weeks to live.



  • AlphaMan

    Sister X awakens from her drug induced state, she is frightened. She asks, " Where am I? What happened? Did I die? Am I in the paradise?" A comforter says, " Yes. You did. You are in paradise now." Slowly, Sister X realizes what is happening and where she is. Hysterically, she cries out, " No! I am not in the paradise! I have not died! I am dying!" Hours later, she was gone.


    What a demented joke to tell a dying person who wakes from a drug induced state they died and they are in paradise now......then even more demented is to try to make them think paradise is a room full of Jehovah's Witnesses. That's just wrong!


    Well...two more long time faithful JWS have gone the way of the Dodo. They waited on Jeehoober to start their "real life" for them. I guess they aren't part of the "millions" class.....


    Using Watchtower new light logic it stands to reason.......if the anointed are now an "over-lapping generation" TM, the "millions who will never die" are an over-lapping group also. They "didn't really die", because they live on through their children, and they are alive in Jehovah's memory. The Watchtower could spin this nonsense any way they wanted.

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