I told my dad this morning.........

by lv4fer 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine
    if the Bible is worth anything,

    Considering the harm done to mankind due to the belief in the stories of the bible as being representative of God and his personality, I feel quite safe in saying the Bible is not worth one goddamn red cent.

    That's just my opinion, but I can sure prove the merits of my position.

  • 4horsemen


    "Millions living now will never die!"

    How many of those "millions" are left? I suppose that MAN who was the ORGANIZATION made a mistake.

    Now, long after his death his spinmeister descendents amend that to saying, "Well, they're living in Gods memory, so their not really dead."

    With the WTBS it is _always_ a qualified statement. Usually the provision comes at a later date after the original guideline has proved faulty. The Watchtower gift of prophecy is no better than that of Miss Cleo. Are you certain you want to live according to her whims? Same difference between her and GB. At least Miss Cleo has 40-50 years less senility.

    "Contradictions cannot exist. Check your premises." ~The Virtue of Selfishness

  • anewlife

    I wanted to just say...Good for you! I know how hard this must have been to tell your Dad you don't believe it is the truth. I imagine he was somewhat shocked, being that you were the one who "showed him the truth."

    I agree with several others...take it slow and cautiously. Make sure the subject of "the truth" does NOT come up every time you're together. Change the subject if need be to something your dad feels good about. Time is all we have to rely on. Words I need to apply to myself...just be patient. My thoughts are with you!

    Hello Shauna....it's meeeeeee! I heard about the "new addition." I wonder if she'll invite you to come see the baby as soon as he/she is born. I'm proud of her for calling you. You just never know do ya!

    Love ya, your big sis

  • bluesapphire

    SixofNine, I can respect and understand your position much more than I can the position of Bible thumpers like JWs who come out and ask, "Is it in the Bible?" for every dumb ass question there is.

    The Church came before the Bible. The Church is responsible for what's in the Bible. It decided the canon. If it were not for the Church, there wouldn't be a Bible. So IF you believe in the Bible, then you have to acknowledge where it came from -- an organization. IF you believe the Bible comes from God, you have to acknowledge that God used an organization and it sure as HELL was NOT the JWs! That was my point.

    Your point is a whole other topic (as is mine from this thread duh ). But like I said, I can respect it.

  • Mazza

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Is it logical that this organization would be a minor offshoot of Protestantism? After all, that excludes the vast majority of the world's population from the get go - why should someone born Chinese or Indian have an unfair disadvantage, based solely on where they were born, when it comes to joining that organization? It's hard enough for them to convert to Christianity let alone to a minor sect with a disturbing background and a track record of predicting the end repeatedly with devasting results for many of their followers.

    Herbert, that was beautifully put. I've pondered this a lot. I am in Hong Kong @ present, and therefore the 6million people around me are real and the 1.2 billion just across the border though not quite as real are more real to me than they might be to someone sitting in Brooklyn writing WT literature about the preaching work.

    I asked a JW about this as recently as last week. I posted about it. He said that every person doesn't have to be reached, that it was enough that the WTS was represented in China. Well now that just don't seem fair to me. Western people get to have the 'end of the world' message delivered to their doors every few months and people in China get to have a WT office in their major cities and perhaps, maybe, could be that ten million chinese have heard of JWs. The rest have to be content with "the witness to the nation" explanation.

    Even worse is the explanation, presented by You Know, who said that the Bible says that some nations won't be receptive to the good news (genetically impaired perhaps?) - conveniently these must be China and India and all the countries that Westerners find hard to penetrate. I know when my husband went to India a few years back, that he was very humbled by the people and their diverse beliefs. He was disgusted with our presumptious western attitudes that we have the light and all these barbarians are ignorant and foolish. I think he felt it was more likely the other way around.


  • Mazza

    Iv4fer, Please take it real easy on your dad. I have been where you are. I too feel I was the instigator of my family getting so involved with the JWs. I am the only one who woke up and yet I was the one pushing the hardest for them to get more "spiritual", when they were slackers and I was totally into it.

    My father used to suffer angina attacks when he and I got into a discussion about it after I left. Yet neither of us could leave it alone. In hindsight I would have taken it a lot easier on him. I would have been patient and selected my subject (not subjects) carefully. The worse thing you can do is dance from subject to subject. You need to pick something and follow it thru to it's logical conclusion. Like prophecy or blood.

    I think it's vital now that your father is assured of your love for him. He may be afraid of losing you to "the world". Lots of reasurance and hugs and determination that this won't prove to be a wedge between you. The rest will work out if you use commonsense.



  • SixofNine

    Hey Blue, I understand your point. Point well taken. I just currently have such an impassioned hatred for the evil that has been perpetrated upon this beautiful planet by that book that I just want to RIP....

    ...er, never mind, lol. In the pithy locution of one Ms. Britney Spears, "oops, I did it again".

  • rmayer32

    You are doing the right thing. In time you may be able to help him also see that it is not the truth.


  • bluesapphire

    LOL at SixofNine:

    I just currently have such an impassioned hatred for the evil that has been perpetrated upon this beautiful planet by that book that I just want to RIP....
    Been there, friend, BEEN-THERE!

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