My son is Tevya!

by lv4fer 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    My son's High School is putting on the play Fiddler on the Roof. He has the lead Tevya. Last night was opening night. Those kids did a fantastic job. Although, I may be partial, my son was so good. I kept thinking, wow, he really is talented.

    Not that any of you care, I just thought I'd post something positive.

    Thanks for letting me brag!!!

    "The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself."

    Rita Mae Brown

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Congratulations on your son's fine performance. Isn't it fun being parents sometimes!
    Can I brag, too! My daughter got a gold medal in modern dance last night.
    Yes, your son is talented, and hard working too. There is nothing wrong with appreciating the hard work and joy that these kids put into their hobbies and interests.
    Give him a big hug and "tell him break a leg".

  • Brymichmom

    Well I sure don't mind any of us here bragging about the accomplishments of our children! Congratulations to your son for a job well done. I love Fidler on the Roof, it's probably my favorite musical of all time.


  • Dutchie

    Tevya is a hard part to play especially for a young person. Who knows, someday your son maybe signing autographs as a movie actor. If you see him advancing in that direction would you please let me know so that I can get his autograph before he becomes affected and callous? Congratulations to both you and your son.

  • Kep

    How cool !!
    I love to hear how people's kids are doing.
    I have an almost 2yr old and when she's at school etc I will be doing my share of bragging.
    Keep it up, I'm a prod Dad already and I know I will get worse as she gets older.
    I never had any opportunites like that as a child, so it is refreshing to hear how normal kids are doing.

  • anewlife

    lv4fer: Brag away! That's wonderful. I can appreciate how proud you are. I have an 11 year old who has the makings of an actor/comedian someday. It's funny, when we were in the organization (left two years ago) a few of the "friends" would comment how my son liked to be in the lime light and how funny he was. Of course, going into the field of acting for a JW is an absolute no, no as there's too much "worldly" association and drugs and immorality etc. Well, I believe everyone has a choice to either involve themselves in these things or not. It's not just the entertainment world. These things are right next door. Anyway I'm encouraging my son to "go for it." He's signed up for a drama class next year and I'm going to surprise him for his birthday and enroll him in a program here that teaches acting. This company puts on plays locally and they're really good. My son will love it!

    Anyway, congratulations from one proud parent to another!

    Kep: Wanted to say, hello. I've been e-mailing your sister and getting to know her....She's great!! "See" you around the board!


  • Mulan

    Very Cool!!

    My son was Theseus, one of the leads, in Midsummer Night's Dream, when he was a Senior in High School. He was really good, and won an award that year as best Shakespearean actor at the school. He said the challenge was saving the play when someone blew their lines, because you had to try and correct the flow of the play, in Elizabethan English. The Drama teacher said he was just awesome.

    Okay, bragging done.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Billygoat

    I don't have any kids, but my doggy Henry can "shake".

  • patio34

    Kudos to your son!!

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Fiddler on the Roof is one of my favorite movies and stage musical.

    I would have loved to seen him sing.

    "If I were a rich man yabba ditty, yabba ditty ditty ditty dum"

    You just go ahead and brag, Mom!


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