I am under the impression JW do not celebrate NYE, is that correct?

by nonjwspouse 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nonjwspouse

    My husband on his own went out and got fireworks for our daughter and her friend to set off tonight. He did this with no prompting at all from me. In fact, I get nervious around fireworks, so I grimiced a bit when he told me.

    But, wow, again, if this is another step showing he is not allowing himself under the complete spell of the WT.

    The knot in my stomach about his involvement in the JW the last few year is begining to wane, finally. This will be almost a full year since he has been to meetings, or studies, or reading literature. It's not over, but I am glad for the slowing down.

  • jgnat

    Be sure not to say anything! Let him be his natural self.

    Hubby shows varying degrees of aversion to different holidays, depending on how involved "Christendom" is. He spouts off about Christmas but never forgets a Valentine card. Go figure. Valentines is by far the more pagan holiday, but the real "bad guy" in WT world is mainstream Christianity.

  • Lied2NoMore

    Celebrating anything fun is wrong because the WT wants everyone who is being stepped on by them to be miserable

  • jgnat

    I personally think that Rutherford was embittered by his stint in jail and was going to make sure that everyone else felt his pain. Except for himself, of course. He was going to drink and party his way to an early grave.

    P.S. Leadership since then are the janitors keeping the lights on and the boiler operating.

  • nonjwspouse

    Oh goodness no I never say a word except praise for anything that is is true self! I couldn't help the grimmace about the fireworks, but hey, he was then reinforced that it was completely his own decision, no help from me. That has to be a good thing too right? A decision like this on his own not influenced by me in any way.

    My grimmace was replaced with "Oh how they will love that! I'm so glad you are doing this for them."

    This particular little gir has had a very hard family life ( I knew her mother when she was a child before moving away in about the 4th grade) Lots of drugs, bad men choices..... I don't know what all has gone on in this little girl's life behind the closed doors of her house, but I have gut feelings and some extremely awful reports about her stepfather in the news, ( now in jail with a huge bond) that it had to be pretty bad. Her mother is a complete narccissist as well. This little girl seems to have escaped all this horrid childhood so far in her personality. ( She has to have some horrible things in her memories though) She and my own little girl are so very close and they have a special bond. I will never allow my daughter to spend time alone with the little girl's family, but we reach out to the little girl and have her come here. It's a fine line to walk with her Mom, but so far her Mom seems to trust me more than others. My husband is so very fond of her to and if there was ever a time she needed a place to stay, even a foster home, we would want her here in a heartbeat. My husband expressed that to me himself, reminding me why I love him so much. It is a very loving and giving heart to want to bring into your own home so much potential drama in order to help a child like that.

    Believe me, I praise him about things like this every chance I get :) This is his true giving, loving, self.

  • jgnat

    Hey, I've used the wifely grimace on occassion. Girls gotta learn when to cut loose.

    That's a tough go that little girl has had. I wish I didn't know stories like hers. If there is any consolation, some children do seem to have a resiliency and as long as they have one good model to follow, they can rise above their raising.

    Bravo for providing that model.

  • InChristAlone

    How do you not acknowledge something that just is? You can't ignore the fact that it is the last day of the year. You would think they would celebrate the New Year as another year closer to Armageddon.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Secretly, many in the 20-5o range do celebrate.

  • kurtbethel

    It's a new year only on the pagan calendar, and no True Christian TM uses a pagan calendar, it said so in the December Watchtower so it must be so.

  • konceptual99

    No Witness celebrates NYE. Except for young ones going out to the pub. Or families getting together and just happening to watch the fireworks at midnight. Or "get togethers" (not a party I must stress) with lots of people. And party poppers. Let off at midnight.

    Nope. No NYE celebrations here. Nothing to see. Move away now.

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