How does the WT keep peoples interest?

by LogCon 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • LogCon

    " The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or a new thing in an old way."

    Richard Harding Davis

  • Mum

    Are you saying their writing is good? It's on an elementary school level. They prey on the ignorant, uninformed and disenfranchised.

  • ekruks

    People don't read it because it's good writing..... their articles are poorly-written, with no supportive evidence, other than a selective quotation of scriptures interpreted to teach their idea. The reason people listen to them, respect the articles is exactly the same reason communists and the Nazis get power, or many politicians actually... exactly the reason people read poorly-written hype and exageration in cheap newspapers.... it says what they want to hear. It suggests some evidence; that's ok, they don't want to check. People get desperate, and at that point a charismatic cult preys.

  • ABibleStudent

    Fear of being shunned. The WTBTS is a dangerous cult.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I didn't know that the WT keeps people interested. When I was born-in, I was bored out of my mind. Later, I was bored and embarassed. It is some of the poorest writing imaginable.

  • steve2

    There was a time when the Watchtower was staffed with talented writers. The prime example is the affectionately named "blue bombshell" from the late 1960s, "The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life" . Even the snappy title conveyed a coherent ability to tell a compelling story. I still regard its intelligently titled chapter 3 as a model of excellently sound reasoning ("Why It Is Wise To Examine Your Religion" Oh that the Witnesses could muster the fortitude and interest to take seriously the recommendations of that chapter!)

    Today's Watchtower writers are mentally still in diapers. They say nothing by turns sweetly and sour. Love the pixelated colors of their literature;shake my head in dismal disbelief about the baby talk that speaks to their nutty beliefs.

  • Dis-Member

    That's a simple one. It doesnt.

  • 2+2=5

    The WT does not try to keep anyone's interest. It succeeds in keeping people feeling guilty and worthless about not doing enough, and in fear about falling out of favour with Jehovah/The org.

  • OutNotByDoubt

    The congregation as a whole actually fails in " keeping people feeling guilty and worthless about not doing enough, and in fear about falling out of favour with Jehovah/The org."

    they tend to lose those people, by lack of human warmth, which is an outrage for God's organization.

    How does the WT keep peoples interest?


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