Stats: Does Money affect the growth? Analyze please...

by ILoveTTATT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    The trouble with GDP is that it reflects macro economics and doesn't really tally with peoples income and expenses.

    Disposable income (compared to costs) would give a better measure of how affluent or poor people are.

    I presume the aim is to link the despair from poverty with religious growth?

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ILoveTTATT, Have you thought about normalizing the increase in publishers from number of new publishers to a percentage increase in publishers (or a ratio of new publishers divided by number of publishers in the previous year for a country)? Assuming that the WTBTS's indoctrination methods are equally efficient from country to country, then the percentage of new publishers should not change from country to country, where as the number of new publishers will vary by how many publishers were in a country in the previous year.

    Simon does have a valid point about using disposable income instead of average GPD. The following link shows disposable income for some countries: Unfortunately, fewer countries are listed with disposable income than by using minimum wages by countries in the following link:, as I previously suggested that you use.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • jgnat

    If I read that right, Mexico, Brazil and the US are the outliers? You might want to look at income inequality. The US, despite its high GDP, his higher income inequality.

    I'd like to see what your graph would look like with those numbers.

  • ILoveTTATT

    US, Brazil, and Mexico are the countries with the highest new members. I am making, as suggested, a graph with the percentage growth vs. GDP, instead of the new converts, since that DOES skew things to the larger countries.

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