"Shepherd the flock of God"

by Laika 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Laika

    Looking after you dirty sheep can be a challenge for any of the 'gifts in men' among us. Thank Jah that the Faithful & Discreet Slave has provided an elder's manual for assistance, I mean, it's not as if the bible is any use in such matters.

    Here are some of my favourite pearls of wisdom to help us truly appreciate the blessings of the slave class:

    On rape (emphasis theirs):

    One who was raped would not be guilty of por-nei'a. Discernment is needed in considering claims of rape, taking into consideration such factors as the mental disposition of the person, the circumstances that led up to the incident, and any delay in reporting.

    How loving of the slave to advise us that we don't have to shun all our rape victims! Yet with balance too. Is she an hysterical woman? She probably just agreed to consensual sex without knowing it. Shun her. Did she allow herself to be left alone with another man, wear a short skirt or drink too much? Bitch had it coming. Shun her. Was she so ashamed or afraid of the consequences that she chose to keep the rape a secret? How dare she disrespect our compassionate elders! Shun her.

    On disfellowshipping the gluttonous:

    A glutton routinely shows a lack of restraint, even gorging himself on food to the point of feeling very uncomfortable or becoming sick.

    Because whenever I meet someone who regularly eats to the point of vomiting, my first thought is not 'wow, they must be really struggling with mental health problems, what can I do to get them to seek professional help?' but 'EVILDOER! I MUST SHUN THEE!'

    On selling your daughter:

    A christian who greedily and unrepentantly extorts a high-bride price may be disfellowshipped from the congregation.

    I like my brides cheap.

    On repentance (emphasis theirs):

    In order to extend mercy the committee must be convinced that the wrongdoer has a changed heart condition and that he has a zeal to right the wrong and is absolutely determined to avoid it in the future.

    Guilty until proven innocent.

    What a spiritual banquet indeed! And now you too can join in the appreciation, add your own!

  • Phizzy

    Good Thread ! I will leave it to others to add, I am feeling too sickened by the WT and its stupid, ignorant and yet arrogant "Flock" book to even comment further.

    If they really were God's Org, what kind of unfeeling, out of touch Monster would He be ?

  • wearewatchingyouman

    In regards to fornication/adultery:

    "Evidence(testified to by at least two witnesses) that the accused stayed all night in the same house with a person of the same sex.........."

    The governing body members must be animals in bed. Since when does it take "all night" to do the horizonyal tango?

  • Zordino

    Geez, if they saw how I devoured an exlarge Pizza pie today, I would surely be d'fd .

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Zordino - and the way you said geez. Taking the Lords name in vain. Even I could tell you were unrepentant!

  • KateWild


    Funny stuff. I will add one later, thanks for the idea. Kate xx

  • joe134cd

    In all the time I was a dubbie I never once heard of a person getting DFed because of a fat arse. But I must digress I certainly saw a few.

  • abiather

    Don't worry about their DF standard.

    * I have seen a JC disfellowshipping a person, and another (High Profile) JC cancelling the same disfellowshipping.

    * I have seen the elders giving special attention to a disfellowshipped person (who is very rich materially); and refusing to reciprocating the greetings a disfellowshipped person (who is an ordinary man materially) gave to an elder--both happening in a wedding feast where I was present incognito.

  • Laika

    Joe, the elders book specifically says not to take size into account. Disfellowshipping for gluttony is based on eating to the point of illness, not weight.

  • Oubliette

    According to this excerpt from the STFOG book, it is apparently acceptable for known child abusers to be recommended as elders as long as the "sin" was years in the past:

    "For example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for years." - Shepherd the Flock of God, p. 38 (2010)

    Note that this potential "disqualification" is only "likely" and could only be "for years." Hmmm, Shepherding the flock takes on new meaning!

    Maybe this is why the title of the book so closely resembles a common rude command for silence!


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