In depth research reveals....

by Deltawave 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deltawave

    Something I have noticed over the years is how much harder it is to research the history of the Watchtower society from its own literature. People have thrown away old publications in place of the Watchtower library. I beleive soon the Watchtower library disk will be discontinued in place of the online library. The GB don't seem to want people to be able to keep track of what's been said when. Especially in this modern technology driven age where what they say can be researched, referenced and quoted back to them.

    I would like to start a study of what what published as "truth" and compare it to what is taught now. Has anyone got any good photocopies or Watchtower references that I can look up too speed up my project??


  • Splash

    There are online resources with all the old literature scans on them.

    The Society will change their history a different way, however.

    Instead of just refreshing existing publications, they will discontinue the old ones and bring out new ones.
    This makes it even harder to find rewritten history.

    Once the WT Library is discontinued most JW's will use the online version as you say.
    Then the online versions can be updated, replaced or even the availability removed by increasing the furthest year available from, say 2000 to 2010.

    They have lots of options.

    That's why rank and file JWs will be kept in the dark until more people like YOU help them learn TTATT.
  • freemindfade
    Orwellian move. Rewriting your own history. Also when you bring up something and say look what they wrote followers will say "where did that come from" apostates? "How did you get that? Apostates?" And so on...
  • LisaRose

    I was looking for a digital version of the old bue "truth" book, the 1968 version, and couldn't find it without joining an obscure digital book service. I was just curious about how much was left of what I had been taught when I converted. I imagine it's not much other than the basics (trinity, hell fire, etc). The organization I joined doesn't exist anymore.

    But that's how the cult business goes. The religion I joined in 1969 was not the religion that existed in 1914. Doomsday cults either go out of business or sanitize their history and pretend it didn't happen. Most people don't want to question things, so they accept it. The good news is that the internet is making it harder to hide the past.

  • Magnum
    Something I have noticed over the years is how much harder it is to research the history of the Watchtower society from its own literature. People have thrown away old publications in place of the Watchtower library. I beleive soon the Watchtower library disk will be discontinued in place of the online library. The GB don't seem to want people to be able to keep track of what's been said when. Especially in this modern technology driven age where what they say can be researched, referenced and quoted back to them.

    I've noticed the same thing and I agree. I'm collecting all the scans I can find of the old publications. I can provide some links, etc. later; I'm at work now.

  • Finkelstein

    They want it that way and the reason should be obvious.

    The WTS leaders have to maintain an image that god is guiding them exclusively,

    that all other religions are not or have not been chosen by God for they are false religions.

    This devision is intensional for the WTS wants to create its own viability around their organization as means to allure people and hold them subserviently as dedicated members.

    The WTS gained much of its adherents by proclaiming the establishment of Jesus position in heaven (1914) and the end times which apparently we are living now, toward the soon to come Armageddon.

    Unfortunately these particular alluring doctrines are falling apart year by year, they as they say had a shelf life to them, so the WTS is confronted into changing them and still make themselves alluring and viably.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I am currently working on a Study that provides about 350 Watch Tower quotations, starting at its beginning. You will need to give me another month or so to complete the task, which I shall publicise at the "Bible Research" part of this site.

    If you have ideas that you think could help me, please PM me directly as I do not trawl through all of this site.


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    I have scans of the 1943 version and the 1968 (revised 1981) version of "The Truth Shall Make you Free". Being somewhat colour-challenged, I am not certain if the covers are blue or mauve, purple, etc., but I suppose these are the scans you are looking for.

    These are large files so that I could only send them to you via DropBox. This means you would need to email me your email address. You will find my email address at:


  • LAWHFol

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