Walk into your Kingdom Hall and tell us what you saw !

by RULES & REGULATIONS 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NVR2L8

    Island Man...in our congregation we had a kissing-hugging elder that never called or visited after I stopped attending meetings. As you said it was all a plastic display of affection.

  • JWdaughter

    I always looked forward to the part of the service meeting where they did local needs. Often spurred some speculative gossip, but the BEST part was when they gave us some tidbit (didn't make it in the WT/Awake that let us think "THIS IS REALLY IT! THE END IS REALLY AT HAND, NOW" because the presidennt or pope got shot or they made some other pointed reference. . . ah, those were the days. OH and the awkward demonstrations by the sons of the MS who SO wanted to be an elder-that he beat his kids to make them go to the meetings that they clearly hated and every word, move etc they made showed it to one and all. And YET, they toed the line enough to not get kicked out. Cause they needed a place to live, I'm guessing.

  • LisaRose

    Yup, that was every meeting I went to, but you forgot the loooonnnnggg ending prayer you thought would never end.

  • JakeM2012

    Heay mon, Island man says, " Gratuitous, plastic displays of affection that boastfully scream: "See how loving we are? That proves we're the true religion!"

    Just because active witnesses don't enlist in the armed services and actually kill people, does not prove that they "have love among themselves"= "we're the true religion". Absence of murder doesn't mean that there is love. My disfunctional family is a great example. Just saying.

  • Wozwozza

    Thanks for the kindly reminder ,I have'nt been for years but I can smell the carpet at the Hall now

  • wannaexit

    This is what I saw:

    Sister " First Lady" married to the presiding overseer- she is a regular pioneer so she needs torun to the magazine and literature counters to stock up on supplies. She doesn't talk to anybody. She is far too important to socialize with the lower class.

    Presiding overseer- walks in after the meeting has started. He is late because he's been busy in a mini meeting at the back of the hall. He has a permanent lean to one side on account of his very heavy suitcase/briefcase. He doesn't look at anybody , he has to concentrate on his steps because if he looks up that heavy case will unbalance him and for sure he'll crash to the ground.

    In a corner there is sister" Cry Alot" there is really nothing wrong with her- she is looking for sympathy . There are a group of other sisters trying to console her. Deep down I think she is crying because she really would like to be shopping rather than be sitting here.

    Then there is the group of young teenages. At a local needs part, they've been counselled to branch out and not to isolate themselves in the corner. On this particular day, I noticed that they have truly branched out and have moved to the opposite corner of the hall.

    Sister " I got disfellowshipped but I have a boyfriend" walks in dressed up to the nines with her bearded boyfriend following her. She doesn't sit in the back row reserved for the disobedient like her. NO way--she marches right to the front and sits in the front row.

    The public speaker could pass for the teacher in Charlie Brown cartoon series. You know the character that sounds like she is speaking through a trombone -wah wahhh wawahhh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2hULhxfo4

    Quite a few are sleeping--heads bopping-they wake up only when their Bibles thump to the ground

    This is fun- I'll have to pay closer attention from now on.



    How are you? Hope you are doing well!

    Those were funny! I like the Overseer with the heavy book bag leaning and walking sideways. What's in those bags that weigh as much as concrete?

    I also like about the Overseer's wife who is so self-righteous that she speaks to no one. Everything and everyone bother her except her kids who are living a double life.

  • 3rdgen

    Oh boy, is this thread bringing back memories! We had at least one of every type mentioned. The overseers wife who wouldn't even say hello to me . (and I was married to an elder!!!) After hubby gave up his position, fuggetaboutit.

  • wannaexit

    Hi Rules: I am doing well thanks. Still plugging along and going to meetings with my hubby for the sake of my parents .

    I am glad you started this thread- it made me sit back and and chuckle as I "watch the view" at the hall.

    I also wonder what's in those suitcases. This particular elder is a promoter of electronics--so everything he needs for the "cult reunions" is in the confines of his apple device. But I guess if one is a high school dropout, having a large briefcase gives one a sense of importance. Its like having those letters in front of your name.

  • tim hooper

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