WT Study March 15 on jw.org

by Gayle 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    After cutting back on income so you can pious-sneer, and then donating "excess" funds to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, there isn't going to be anything left to take care of one's parents (or children). To me, this is the wrong reason to not support your parents. The only really good reason would be if your parents have been mean-spirited toward you throughout your childhood, including various forms of abuse. But, not because the washtowel wants you pious-sneering.

    Besides, I wonder how many children are still living with their parents, past age 30, not disabled, because one or more of the family wishes to continue pious-sneering.

  • Interested Observer
    Interested Observer

    I think the article "Honor the Aged Among You" is a pretty sad read, especially paragraphs 13-15. Paragraph 14 quotes 1 John 3:17 which basically commands Christians to help those in need. Paragraph 15 then interprets this command by saying that the congregation can help the elderly by pointing them to governmental agencies that can provide them with financial assistance. There is no mention of the congregation or the organization helping out financially. Basically, the Society wants you to give, give, give, but don't you dare ever think of looking to them for help. That is what your family and governments are for. When you compare the Society's position on this matter with Catholics who have made it a priority to help the poor, it doesn't look good.


    13, 14. Why can we conclude from the Scriptures that congregations are interested in the care of elderly members?

    13 Not all can assist full-time ministers in the above-mentioned way. However, it is clear from a situation that arose in the first century that congregations are interested in caring for the needs of exemplary older brothers and sisters. The Bible says about the Jerusalem congregation that “no one was in need among them.” It was not that all were materially well-off. Evidently, some had little materially, but “distribution would be made to each one according to his need.” (Acts 4:34, 35) Later, a situation developed locally. It was reported that certain “widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution” of food. So the apostles directed the appointment of qualified men who, in turn, made arrangements to ensure that the widows’ needs were adequately and equitably met. (Acts 6:1-5) It is true that the daily distribution was a temporary arrangement designed to meet the needs of ones who became Christians at Pentecost 33 C.E. and who remained for a time in Jerusalem to be built up spiritually. Even so, the apostles’ response illustrates that the congregation can help to care for needy members.

    14 As noted, Paul gave Timothy instructions outlining the circumstances under which Christian widows would qualify for material assistance from the congregation. (1 Tim. 5:3-16) The inspired Bible writer James likewise acknowledged the Christian obligation to look after orphans, widows, and others in cases of tribulation or need. (Jas. 1:27; 2:15-17) The apostle John too reasoned: “Whoever has the material possessions of this world and sees his brother in need and yet refuses to show him compassion, in what way does the love of God remain in him?” (1 John 3:17) If individual Christians have such obligations toward the needy, is that not also true of the congregations?

    If an accident occurs, how can the congregation help? (See paragraphs 15, 16)

    15. When assisting elderly brothers and sisters, what factors may be involved?

    15 In some lands, governmental authorities provide pensions, welfare programs, and home-care attendants for senior citizens. (Rom. 13:6) Elsewhere, no such organized services exist. Hence, how much physical assistance relatives and the congregation need to provide for older brothers and sisters varies from situation to situation. If believing children live far from their parents, it may affect how much help the children reasonably are in a position to provide. The children would do well to communicate freely with the elders of their parents’ congregation to make sure that all understand the family’s circumstances. For instance, the elders may be able to help out by assisting the parents to learn about and benefit from governmental or social programs locally. They may also observe situations—such as unopened bills or mismanaged medication—that they can bring to the attention of adult children. Such well-motivated and kind interchanges of information can prevent a situation from getting worse and may well lead to practical solutions. Clearly, on-the-spot helpers and advisers, who effectively act as the children’s “eyes,” may alleviate the worries of a family.

  • TTATTelder

    When do you ever see the authority and jurisdiction of the congregation discussed and elevated like this?

    Uhh...Can you say never? So what makes this so different? Why would they subcontract to the congregations these precious and important matters and marks of true Christianity? (I think we know why)

    Consider also that the first century "governing body" got involved with that widow situation, like mentioned in paragraph 13:

    "Later, a situation developed locally. It was reported that certain “widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution” of food. So the apostles directed the appointment of qualified men who, in turn, made arrangements to ensure that the widows’ needs were adequately and equitably met."

    Doesn't this set a precedent? Shouldn't the GB today be setting up committees to handle these needs of the sheep?

    Nope. Not according to them. These things are not of their concern.

    It is clear what the message of this article is:

    "Don't call us for money!"

    "Quit screwin' with our best employees.... I mean .....er.... full time servants over this silly parent stuff."

    Their self-serving dribble is getting worse and worse.

    It is clear they have a very warped view of money. They see the publishers as an endless well of funds that can be tapped anytime. The GB and writing staff have no clue what it takes to make money out here in the real world.

    And they sure as heck never take any responsibility for creating these late-in-life financial disasters and obviously feel no obligation before their God to do anything about it.

  • TTATTelder


  • Crazyguy

    I dont believe in thier numbers anymore they'll never show a decrease just lie lie lie.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    What a crock! Pointing oldies towards satan's governments to get help instead of actually lifting a finger to help them yourselves, such as taking them to the doctor, getting their groceries for them, offering to clean their houses or maintain their yards, visit when they are lonely, and all the other things you can do to help old people. Farming them off onto the government= too bad, so sad, get out of our hair you useless old people. This is truly sickening.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry


    Not one word on how children should take care of their disfellowshipped / disassociated aged parent(s).

    Do you honestly feel the local elders would budge a finger?


  • Jen1

    This makes me so mad! My mums is elderly and has bad health, I mow her lawn and take care of her garden. I help with her cleaning, she can cope with some! I take her shopping each week. I take her to hospital appointments. One elder said to mum how can I help you she said you could mow my lawn, she said this because she thought it would help me, because my husband had hospital appointments and was not doing so well, he said, oh NO I mean spiritually! She has been a widow for ten years. They ask how they can help but do they mean it no way! We have no other family!

    I was brought up a jw and am fading its going to take a few years!! Helping my mum is a pleasure. About two years ago I met a sister who pioneers along with her husband, very dedicated, top of the tree types into everything, could she take care of her mum. NO put her in a home to be taken care of by strangers, visits when she can. Shocked. My mum said wow I really appreciate you taking care of me.

  • Sapphy

    "congregations are interested in caring for the needs of exemplary older brothers and sisters"

    Just like Jesus said "by this they will know you are my disciples if you only look after people if they meet some arbitrary standard set by a publishing company"

  • designs

    "daily distribution was a temporary arrangement"- these m#therf#ers can't even get charity and assistance right.

    You only need to eat "temporarily" when you are old and can't afford enough food.

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