The medical specialist told me something alarming today. Pretty bummed.

by Julia Orwell 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Quarterback

    OK, Julia, you now know the diagnosis. Here is the cure from Dr. QB. Eat lots of chocolate.

    Good health to you.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I'm feeling a little better though I know I need to find a counselor who understands the cult thing. My psychiatrist had no clue and I had to explain it all to him. We don't have as much professional support for cult victims here in Australia but we do get government subsidised visits to mental health professionals.

    It's amazing how many people's bodies crap out on them, and how you still see them, year in and year out, dragging their bones from meeting to meeting. Inexplicable illnesses like sore throats, allergies, aches and pains that no test can pick up seem to afflict half of jws, especially the women. I can understand that as women are told all the time they're nothing. Men tend not to talk about their health problems but I've known plenty with inexplicable digestive disorders and depression. The dumbest of people don't seem to get sick because they don't understand the magnitude of what's being asked of em and are blissful in their ignorance and never experience a moment of cognitive dissonance. These are the ones who have the energy to be Pioneers and elders...

  • NewYork44M

    Were there any recommendations - such as vigorous exercise? I hope you can figure out how to get out of what should be a temporary situation. You have a lot of living to do. Good luck.

  • Ruby456

    Julia I'm so glad to hear that you are in such peak condition. Stress causes a lot of mental and physical damage and like you I have definitely found that the JW lifestyle and leaving that lifestyle is very stressful.

    here is my experience. I am working with a physiotherapist and he is gradually teaching me to lift my chest/sternum slightly upwards to alleviate my crippling vestibular trigimenal migraines. this small movement throws the shoulders slightly back and lifts the chin. as a witness I'd adopted a slightly stooping, chest closed sort of posture and I associate this with always having to be subservient and submissive because now that I am lifting up my head and chest I feel independent and carefree. the feeling is so good that when bad stress raises its ugly head and my bad posture returns together with the migraine (it is that dramatic and close together) I immediately say NO. Another thing is that somehow I had taken the jw injuction to look straight ahead and to not look to left and right very very literally. Now I am being told to look to left and right regularly - this makes me laugh quite a bit

  • smiddy

    Hey, your doing alright , you have freinds here who are concerned about you ,reflect on your responses to your posts.

    This board , and ones like it are more beneficial to your well being, physically and physcholgically than any shrink you or any one else is paying for.

    And think about this , people who support you are not from your congregation , they are not just from your local community , or even continent ,

    you have freinds and supporters from all over the globe . take care


  • KateWild

    Dumb elders????? Julia.

    LOL! I wish you well on your recovery. Kate xx

  • zeb

    Billy the EB. spot on. Yes do your study, attend meetings, field service, be spiritual (?) and all will be well. BOLLOCKS!

  • LisaRose

    Julia, I think you are right, the new who do well (at least physically) in the organization are the ones who don't think too deeply, who are more action oriented, give them a job, they do it. The ones that get sick are the ones that feel things a bit more. I am very aware of how my own unique psyche was affected by being in a high control religion. It's not just what happened to me, but how I felt about what happened to me. Unfortunately knowing that does not mean you can just shut that off. Even out of the religion I still struggle with it.

    Since I have developed the second problem I realized that I, at least in part, made myself sick. At the time it happened I was in the middle of a stressful out of state move. I had to wind down my business and get my house ready to sell. I pushed myself and stressed about how I would get it all done. Nobody knows the case of interstitial cystitus, any more than they know what causes fibro or CFS, but there is a statistical correlation between them all and IBS, so it's probable that emotions do play a roll. I know that for me, I need to change the way I think if I am to get better. Easier said than done though.

  • LongHairGal


    After walking away from the religion and able to think and see clearly, I realized that the demands of the JW religion cause unnecessary stress and worry to a person and it has no redeeming qualities. It is, in effect, another job - and one that nobody wants. It is certainly no kindly, light load but more like a ton of bricks.

    It is bad enough that living in the world can cause these things. So, why, on earth would somebody tolerate the garbage in the religion?

    Be glad you are out of there. I know I am.

  • jgnat

    The cognitive dissonance is taking it's toll on hubby's body, too. But he won't admit it. It is true; the body will take over when the mind won't admit. How many JW's come down with mobility or foot problems?

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