Let's Talk About Sex

by cofty 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zound

    So when did sex evolve and what were the pressures that led to its invention?

    Looking forward to this bit. Great topic.

  • KateWild

    zound, looks like we have to google it ourselves. I think cantleave has stopped playing, having said that he is at work, and could be doing some today.

    Kate xx

  • zound

    WHY it evolved is a pretty easy one - and there are many reasons - but HOW it evolved is a bit harder to find an answer. I'm interested in cofty and others info on this.

  • westiebilly11

    point re reproduction is interesting....could someone enlighten me on how a man and a woman' found' each other to reproduce?...at the same time?....sorry if I sound out of sync on this...

  • KateWild

    I'm interested in cofty and others info on this.- zound

    Me too. Kate xx

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    I saw an interesting article comparing the evolutionary purpose for the male adn female orgasm - while the purpose of the male one is fairly obvious, this is not the case for the female one. One theory was that if women enjoy sex more that they will do it more and hence have more offspring but I am not convinced that women who have more orgasms have more sex. Thoughts?

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    just trying to make this discussion a bit less boring...

  • KateWild

    One theory was that if women enjoy sex more that they will do it more and hence have more offspring but I am not convinced that women who have more orgasms have more sex. Thoughts?-F,UBM

    It would be interesting to find out, I agree if a man is good in bed and can please his woman, she will want more sex. So the female orgasm has possibly evolved by natural selection in order for females to have a stronger desire to procreate. A possibility?

    Anyone else?

    Kate xx

  • shadow

    This topic should have started with "Once upon a time" like other fairy tales

  • cofty

    Like male nipples, the female orgasm is a lucky bonus of a common developmental process.

    The same structures that become a penis and testicles in men become a clitoris and ovaries in women.

    Thank you for your intelligent contribution Shadow.

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