Christmas - love it or leave it?

by Xanthippe 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    I don't do it myself. I like driving around and looking at others' beautiful colored led lights. I wish they would leave them up until spring.


  • SnailsPace2

    My little one learned about the "elf on the shelf" recently at school. For those of you who don't know, it's a little elf doll that supposedly comes to life at night and does silly things for the children to discover in the morning. He kept talking about it and how if he had one he would sleep with it at night so he can feel it come to life.

    Even though I have only recently discovered TTATT, and our relationship with Christmas this year mainly conisists of just allowing him to do the holiday crafts at school and attend the class holiday party, I couldn't help but want to capture that little bit of childhood wonder while he's still young enough. So I purchased the elf doll tonight. He will have to walk through ribbon that has been criss-crossed across his bedroom door tomorrow morning, and find the doll with the ribbon spool and tape in its hands. I'm so excited to see his reaction.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    My daughter and I decorated our first tree today. She started studying Judaism (Jewish boyfriend) and once she knew we were done with JW said she wanted to celebrate Hanukkah. We did and it was nice. I have zero interest in the relgious aspect of Xmas, think it's a shame when people overdo the commercializaction of it, yet for the first time, see how for the majority of people the holidays are more about time with their family.

    We did a white tree with aqua and magenta trimmings. It came out quite pretty.

  • talesin

    Even though I have only recently discovered TTATT, and our relationship with Christmas this year mainly conisists of just allowing him to do the holiday crafts at school and attend the class holiday party, I couldn't help but want to capture that little bit of childhood wonder while he's still young enough. So I purchased the elf doll tonight. He will have to walk through ribbon that has been criss-crossed across his bedroom door tomorrow morning, and find the doll with the ribbon spool and tape in its hands. I'm so excited to see his reaction.

    Awww ... you just made me smile in a big way, and wow, that's a lot of Xmas joy~! What a bless-ed boy!


  • Oneoutallout

    First time for us. Why? Because we can! Not anything to do with religion though. My wife has done a great job of getting decorations and presents and the kids can't wait. Family coming to stay, loads of fun, food and just a great, happy time to cheer us up in the middle of a gloomy time of year we have gone way over the top, but we love it!! :-)

  • Xanthippe

    Great stories thanks. Especially those of you who are doing it for the first time, hope you have a fun with your families.

    I saw dozens of bikers riding through my town this morning. One was dressed as Santa Claus. I think the long white beard was real! Brits having fun, woo hoo! Is there a collective noun for bikers?

  • blondie

    The great thing is that people can make their own choices hopefully without any judgment by others about the value for other people.

    Satanus, we drive around and take pictures of the lights as we check them out. The local paper does the same thing putting pictures online their website of those in town. Doesn't cost much except gas or nothing if you look online.

    For those who don't like the "commercialism," donate time or money to a charity that gives practical help to the issues you support. Make it a year long commitment.

    I see that many people have found ways to adapt this to their own families and have fun.


  • WTWizard

    I find the LED lights appealing--there is something about having thousands of tiny lights, of every color, that appeals to the soul. Probably the 144,000 nadis or pathways for energy to traverse in your soul, and the lights are supposed to represent a pathway. I also like the decorations, what few they actually put up.

    I could do without the jesus aspect, though. Even before becoming a jokehovian witless, I always felt the jesus part was just the price to be paid for the fun parts. The trips, shopping in areas we don't usually get to see, Christmas music, putting up the tree, baking, and the presents all made Christmas (without the jesus) fun. For some odd reason, I never got into the jesus aspect--and probably never will.

  • Rattigan350

    It seems like Christmas is popular and people celebrate it because of that.

    The group One Direction is popular. People follow things because it is popular - and people claim to be more enlighted in the 21st century.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I was a lemming once because I didnt know any better being born into the cult, I always hated following the crowd as a witness. No way I'm gonna start doing that now I have mental freedom.

    Xmas is about a religious myth however commercial it becomes and however many extras are tacked onto it, i hate religion so why would I touch it.

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