Egyptian Timeline Research

by konceptual99 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • konceptual99

    Did anyone see this?

    It is suggesting that the accepted dates for the Egyptian timelines need to change. Does anyone have a more informed and scholarly view on this?

  • FadeToBlack

    Thanks for the link. One of my favorite topics. It seems like they are not changing when the civilization as a unified state began (I always read around 3000BC) but how quickly it happened as compared to the Mesopotamian region. Am I reading that correctly?

  • Comatose

    So the Egyptians started their kingdom and made pyramids etc then were killed in the flood, then Noah's sons went back to Egypt and restarted it all?

  • Stealth

    K99 , Here is a discussion forum that focus on ancient civilizations especially Egypt. You may find interesting or find others there who can answer your specific quesitons.

  • FadeToBlack

    @Comatose: Of course you know via your JW education that there were no Egyptians before the flood and for that matter not until after that unfortunate incident at the tower of Babel. Perhaps some of the demon-influenced, pre-flood inhabitants of the land built the original pyramids and then after the TOB, the people who now spoke what we call the Egyptian language attempted to mimic earlier creations they found that survived the flood. That might explain why later pyramids were smaller and inferior to the older examples.

    Also, your sarcastic comments would infer that somehow the purpose behind the flood failed in that within 100 years people were again doing exactly what they were not supposed to be doing. ROTFLOL... I have no idea how the writers of this stuff (in the WT and Awake) could actually write this stuff without killing themselves for the level of dishonesty and ignorance that they propagate.

  • Comatose

    lol fade. So does the Insignt book give a date for the Egyptian dynasty or pyramids? If so, it seems like it could wake up a relative of mine to see that chart and compare it to the dates in the Insight book?

  • konceptual99

    Thanks for the link. One of my favorite topics. It seems like they are not changing when the civilization as a unified state began (I always read around 3000BC) but how quickly it happened as compared to the Mesopotamian region. Am I reading that correctly?

    I think so. I am interested to know if this research is something that the Egyptology experts in general are open to accepting or if it's being treated with caution.

    Even this compression of the timeline still clearly places the Egyptian civilisation the wrong side of the supposed date of the flood but has been picked up on by some Witnesses as "evidence" that secular historians cannot get their dates right and therefore is more "evidence" that the Egyptians developed their civilisation post flood.

  • konceptual99

    lol fade. So does the Insignt book give a date for the Egyptian dynasty or pyramids? If so, it seems like it could wake up a relative of mine to see that chart and compare it to the dates in the Insight book?

    You can look up what the WT has to say on the matter on the WOL. Some interesting topics are Pyramids, Egypt and Chronology (Egyptian)

    Some nuggets are:

    Since the Bible points to the year 2370 B.C.E. as the date of the global Flood, Egyptian history must have begun after that date. The problems in Egyptian chronology shown above are doubtless responsible for the figures advanced by modern historians who would run Egyptian history all the way back to the year 3000 B.C.E.

    Abraham’s visit. Sometime after the Flood (2370-2369 B.C.E.) and the subsequent split-up of the peoples at Babel, Hamites occupied Egypt. By the time (sometime between 1943 B.C.E. and 1932 B.C.E.) that famine forced Abraham (Abram) to leave Canaan and go down to Egypt, a kingdom was functioning under a Pharaoh (unnamed in the Bible).—Ge 12:4, 14, 15; 16:16.

    Among the pyramids found at Saqqara, near Memphis, is the Step Pyramid built by King Djoser (“Third Dynasty”), considered to be the oldest freestanding stone structure known.

    Later, during his stay in Egypt ( Ge 12:10 ), Abraham may have witnessed some of the architectural splendors of that land. The Step Pyramid of King Djoser at Saqqara is supposed to date from the third millennium B.C.E. and is one of the earliest examples remaining of major constructions using cut stone. (PICTURE, Vol. 1, p. 530) The Great Pyramid of Khufu, built somewhat later at Giza, has a huge base of 5.3 ha (13 acres) and was made of some 2,300,000 blocks of limestone, each weighing 2.3 metric tons on the average.

    Events in Jacob’s Life

    [Picture on page 530]

    Step Pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt; evidently it existed in Jacob’s day. Jacob spent the last 17 years of his life in Egypt

    The WTS puts the Tower of Babel incident at 100 years after the flood - 2269 BC.

    So according to them, between 2269 BC and 1943 BC (a little more than 300 years) the entire Egyptian civilisation was built, allowing some time for things to develop in Mesopotamia. This includes the oldest pyramid know to man and the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

    At the same time, people had reached NW Europe and South America to build structures that are recognised as significantly older than even these Egyptian structures.


  • Comatose

    Very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to post those. It's funny that they say it must have been after the flood. As if there is no choice. The flood happened and within 100 years Noah's sons did such a poor job of teaching their children about god and the flood that there were enough people to start all the worlds civilizations AND still have enough people left to make a tower so great it is mentioned in the bible.

    I don't think people realize that Noah and his sons would have lived for most of that 100 year time, and somehow even though the earth would look like a war zone and trying to feed those numbers of people would be almost impossible with no vegetation and no animals, we would have to believe that most all people on earth rebelled against god again and tried to make a Tower of Babel.

  • konceptual99

    Not to mention that after the Tower of Babel incident there was a confusion of the languages so it was only a certain number of people that could have popped off to Egypt, start the civilisation there and do a large amount of pretty impressive civil engineering. I wonder which brand new nations that were also forming in the area they enslaved to help them?

    No wonder they used those silly picture things - their heads were still messed up trying to learn a new language!

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