A radical direction for the WTS - speculation thread.

by besty 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • traveb

    I also agree with the idea that there will be more frequent broadcasts from headquarters. The WT invested a lot of money and time rolling out the equipment to hundreds (thousands?) of KH's the past year. They will continue to do this until most KH's have been upgraded. Then you can have a situation where instead of having to sit through local Bro. Terrible Speaker's public talk on Sunday, you get to watch a broadcast of a GB member giving a talk. The average JW will be "thrilled".

  • besty

    thanks for the link bizzybee

    dd - you funny guy :-)

  • KateWild

    DD, very good I was thinking that, when we started having to print stuff for the kids from the awake. Hilarious. LOL! Sam xx

  • Vidiot

    traveb - "Then you can have a situation where instead of having to sit through local Bro. Terrible Speaker's public talk on Sunday, you get to watch a broadcast of a GB member giving a talk."

    This made me think of two things...

    a) Probably an improvement in more and more instances; from the looks of things the WTS is really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel for "qualified" elders and/or maybe some of the R&F will hear more of the weirder stuff coming straight from the horse's mouth and start waking up.

    b) If they're turning the Kingdom Halls in to JW.org streaming video cinemas, how long before they just sell off the rest of the KHs entirely, and direct the R&F to simply watch the talks from home on Sunday morning? They'd definately sound like "instructions that seem impractical from a human standpoint" to the average rank-and-filer, but if they spun it right, dyed-in-the-wool JWs would feel like they'd gone semi-"underground".

  • Finkelstein

    BESTY don't give these insidiously corrupt clowns ANY ideas.

    The biggest hurdle they have to overcome is all the lies and bullshit they propagated and sold

    for the last 100 years. The Watchtower false prophets/profits have its own internal challenges.

    They are globally down sizing their operations lessening their print output and using computerized data

    distribution as means to lure people into its grasping control.

    After all God is on a dollar bill isn't ?

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