Mark my words.....Time is short.....

by LDH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    The Society will not and can not allow current levels of defection without sanction. Shunning is their HALLMARK and what allows members to live in their hypnotic dream-like state, away from the evil informative apostates.

    Soon they will have to either change their baptism questions again, with the phrasing something like &"Only by doing all the things JW in good standing do can we be considered as JW" blah blah blah

    They will then use that as a springboard to DA or DF members who don't attend meetings.

    Either that, or they will adopt another one of their Stunning RESOLUTIONS [8>]like they've resolved in the past.

    As JT said, they act like these "resolutions" are on the level with the NATO pact, but of course to the rest of the world it matters not one whit.

    Their dumb ass resolutions -- they pass off on members at assemblies on Sundays while everyone is asleep, you know the ones! Where they RESOLVE to EXPOSE the HARLOT blah blah blah... They might as well be resolved to stop nose picking in kindergarten, for what it matters in the real world.

    Because no one listens, they will all clap on cue... then you'll hear an announcement at the Thurs night meeting where they move to 'formalize' the 'resolution' that was drafted and accepted at the assembly. [8>]

    Everyone will be riding high in the druglike state the assembly induces--and the ones that weren't there will be loathe to admit it and they'll smile gamely and go along with the 'theocratic ones.'

    Before you know it, every congregation will have ratified the rules of Membership.

    If you want to leave without sanctions or being shunned you'd better do it soon.

    Mark my words.


  • zanex

    yep, the lady has a point there...any of you lurkers that are "getting out" better do it soon before the consequences get even worse...

  • Patriot

    Hi Lisa!!

    "Before you know it, every congregation will have ratified the rules of Membership."

    As you know, every major change is made with the "new light" thoery.

    So as long as the Wt keeps with their same old song, they can get the majority of the 6 million to do and think just about anything!

    BTW, how are you?? Hope you're doing good. I've been away on training for the past 4 weeks.


  • julien


    You shouldn't be so flippant about the resolutions. After all, many of them have been prophesied in the Bible!!!


    How about those times they have a vote in the hall. Some schmuck raises his hand to 'make a motion' , another schmuck seconds it. Then everyone votes for it. Does anyone EVER vote against?? what a joke, what's the use of voting?

  • moman

    I think the (votes & resolutions) are just a test for BRAIN-WASHING effectivness.
    If any one of the "zombie like sheep" arouses & begains to question the Borg, they would be identifed & quickly set-upon!

  • metatron

    It's an interesting idea and would be consistent with their
    efforts to secretly coerce people into accepting their
    domination of their lives.

    However, do you really have insider info on this? Or is it just
    an opinion from some extremists in the organization?

    It might lead to setting minimums to avoid being DF'd like one meeting
    a month or something like that. On the other hand, it could
    backfire into dilution of df'ing.

    I would never underestimate their arrogance.


  • Francois

    Resolutions? What resolutions? Was I in such a daze that resolutions were being passed and I didn't even know it?

    Can someone give me an example of one of these resolutions?


  • maxwell

    While I don't deny the mindlessness and zombie like state people get into for the resolutions and votes at the KH, I did observe my father voting in the negative for a few resolutions that we had at the hall I grew up at. It was for something like money to do a renovation or something. Nothing doctrinal or religious. But most of the time its as you say, everyone just raises their hand yes along with everyone else without really understanding what's going on. I remember on some money resolutions at my hall, they'd do the resolution after they had already spent the money. Funny stuff. They'd try to say it as if we still had a say in it. "We had to buy or are going to buy this for the hall. We made up this resolution for what we needed to buy"


  • Solace

    It is time for some drastic changes!
    Maybe some new savvy governing body members will manage to take on this task without upsetting all the J.W.s
    However it happens, it does need to be done. If its for the better and helps the witnesses live longer and emotionally healthy lives, I dont care if Fred Flintstone does it.
    Sorry, My son is watching the cartoon right now so the name came to mind..
    Ya' know what I mean.
    I hope things change for the better.

  • Angharad

    Moman said

    I think the (votes & resolutions) are just a test for BRAIN-WASHING effectivness. If any one of the "zombie like sheep" arouses & begains to question the Borg, they would be identifed & quickly set-upon!
    I think this is so true, there was once a local resolution/vote passed in my old hall where only a few people voted in favour of it (this was following a big problem, which had caused lots of upset in the congregation), so the elder announcing it said something like ' Well brother's you obviously need more time to consider this matter, we will re-do the resolution another time' Next week there was a local needs talk along the lines of "DO as we damn well say - we know best". Week after that the resolution was re-done and was passed, although a lot still voted against it enough had been affected by the guilt trip to get it through.

    Also did you really know what you were voting for half the time, or was it like everyone is putting their hand up me too because you hadnt really been listening that closely!

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