Gee Weez - American Womens Accents - Wowww

by invisible 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sargon

    LOL Xander,
    But your wrong about Noythern goyls, huh?

  • Mulan

    French. Love it!!

    Australian is pretty cool too, though.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Xander


    I DID say excepting Jersey. OMG, they have the THICKEST varient of English I've ever heard - sometimes it's COMPLETELY unintelligible.

    (Everyone remember's Fran Drescher of 'The Nanny' fame, right? She's from Jersey. And has a SUBDUED accent!)

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • Imbue

    Xander, Actually I believe Fran Drescher is from Queens, NY.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • MarchOn

    This is kinda funny because I do not think of myself as having an accent at all. But I don't think of this man as having an accent but OMG he has the sexiest voice ever-BARRY WHITE!!!!

  • Billygoat

    ((((Mark)))) Good to see you on the forum sweetie!

    I grew up in Hawaii where the accent is considered "pidgin". Lazy talk is what I call it. Now I live in Dallas and hear the Southern accent. It's difficult for me to not pick up accents. I say y'all all the time now.

    I think a crisp clipped English accent is very sexy. Like under those perfectly clean words, there is a very dirty & naughty man. LOL!

  • LyinEyes

    Wow , it sure is nice to have someone say they actually like different accents. I have always been afraid to do the voice chat thing, being that I have a very southern drawl. I have been made fun of several times for it(by some better than thou bethelite from NY). I thought it rather rude of him to come down to Louisiana and make fun of our accent , after all we were showing him our best southern hospitality. But I enjoy listening to other peoples accents and the differences in culture we have. My accent is really Texan with a little cajun thrown in for flavor !!! LOL My hubby is from the same area , so we are always picking on each other about our,
    "southern grammer". My favorite accent would have to be Austrailian.
    Very cool .

  • Celia

    Now that's a subject !
    I came to the US at the ripe age of 30 something...
    I'll never loose my heavy French accent !
    Some just love it.
    But mostly, I just am not taken seriously by most people.
    How can a non-american who speaks so funny be of any use around here, that's the reaction I get.... So, accents may be interesting, but not useful when you try to find a job, for example...

  • flower
    I DID say excepting Jersey. OMG, they have the THICKEST varient of English I've ever heard - sometimes it's COMPLETELY unintelligible

    Hey all us Joisey girls dont have accents. I may have a slight accent but certainly nothing like Fran Dresher. In fact I dont know of any other human with that accent. I think its a cross between a Queens NY accent and needing a nasal passage operation.

    ps your welcome C

  • larc


    Accents in the States vary as much as they do in other English speaking countries. In my own case, I don't like the southern West Virginia accent, but I do like the Virginia and North Carolina accent. They both have a softer tone their voice. Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana is all the same to me, because that is where I grew up and it is kind of bland, because that is what I am used to.

    Now, within a region, I think there is also a certain softness in voice or lack thereof. For example, I have only heard Angharad's voice once, when she left a message on the answering machine for my wife, and I found her voice to be quite lovely.

    So in conclusion, I think some accents are harsh on the ear and some are soft. I think that within an accent range some people are either soft or harse.

    Another factor is socio-economic level. In general, people with a harsh life tend to have a harsh accent. People with a softer life, tend to have a softer accent.

    Well, that is my opinion. Of course, I could be wrong.

    How loves you?

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