anger triggers...

by zanex 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Anger and hate both can eat you from the inside out. So, why not use those emotions positively? How? By what we are all striving to do. Research and educate the public about how the Witchtower misleads people and exerts unreasonable control over them.

    However, I feel we often let the hate and ager get the better of us when we jump on any little nit picking thing we can. They use that to point their self righteous finger at exers and say, "see, just bitter apostates making mountains out of molehills."

    There are major issues dealing with the dubs and I think we should concentrate on them and let some of the things we bring up go. Like, is it okay to eat vegetables since there may be some blood in fertilizer. The blood issue is a major concern, but why not reflect on those who die needlessly? Why not bring out that first century Christians abstenance from blood was from animals slaughtered? And yes, maybe even admit that some times, the surgery may go better without blood, but that it is a decision that must be between patient and doctor, not involving untrained elders appointed by men.

    Shunning is another major issue. What they practice and what they have added as to reasons to shun is not even remotely close to what early Christians practiced. They use it solely to coerce us back and to control those still in.

    Child molestations is a really major issue and one they have been extremely guilty of covering up.

    There are others, the false prophecies, placing themselves as mediators, etc. So, why not use our anger and delve into these subjects, research them and educate the public? Let the public know how we have been hurt, sh*t on and then cast aside as unworthy of salvation simply becuase we disagree with a publishing company. Salvation is up to God and His appointed representative, not those jokers in Brooklyn or their appointed Gestapo agents at each Kindumb Hell.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

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