Yesterday's WT "Study"

by piztjw 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • piztjw

    Just a few observations about the material in yesterday's WT "study".

    The WT informed people this week that as long as there is no clearly stated law from God we still cannot observe standards that are common in our area or that we were raised with, IF we are Christians. The reason they gave? As IMPERFECT humans we don't have the ability to determine what is right or wrong. Now I wonder how it could be possible then for the IMPERFECT HUMANS that make up the governing body to determine for us what is right or wrong? Are they implying they are now perfect? Are they implying that they have some kind of supernatural abilities not given to mere humans that enable them to somehow know how to guide us mere mortals?

    Later they mentioned those who have a "disapproved mental state", including the term deceit. I wonder who might fit that description? Is there a group of people who have used false dates to deceive people into believing something that is not true? Is there a group who have tried to deceive others into believing that they as the same group have never misinformed their members?

    And of course the article had to once again trot out the old worn out condamnation of entertainment, the internet, and getting a higher education. I wonder how many of those "volunteers" who are required to have engineering degrees in order to give away their time on the Warwick compound construction got those degrees without a higher education? I wonder how easy it is for bored, simple minded people to get the propaganda off without using that evil, satanic tool...the internet?

    Finally towards the end the article said, "...we need to spend time thinking about what we are learning." At the same time any thinking is condemned if it doesn't match exactly what imperfect humans tell us to think!

    Just a few thought and observations.

  • Gopher

    So the Watchtower said in so many words: "As IMPERFECT humans we don't have the ability to determine what is right or wrong."

    The book they claim to believe 100% says "But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:14)

    So, which one is right? Or is there some subtle difference between "determine" and "distinguish" around which I cannot wrap my evil apostate mind?

  • piztjw

    I am sure there must be some sort of subtle difference between "determine" and "distinguish". After all ONE generation can now be great-grandpa, grandga, father, son, and the son's brand new baby. We imperfect humans will just have to patiently wait on "mother" to tell us what that difference is.

  • watson

    Gopher, you know that Hebrews 5:14 is speaking only the the annointed....easily then converted to faithful and discreet slave....easily converted to the governing body...evidently.

  • prologos

    A&E gained the knowledge of good & evil and we inherited the imperfection to prove it. (tongue in cheek)

    So now we are told we are stuck with the imperfection but lost the gift of the knowledge that came with it?

    Wt has the worst all all worlds

  • Gopher

    : Gopher, you know that Hebrews 5:14 is speaking only the the annointed....easily then converted to faithful and discreet slave....easily converted to the governing body...evidently.

    Evidently, dear Watson!


    Yeah, that WT study was a real doozy.. It took them around 20 paragraphs to say, " shut-up and don't complain, follow theocratic direction [ do whatever the Elders and GB say] and don't go to College. If you fail in these areas then you are in a disapproved mental state. So no speaking out about what the WTBTS does [ Menlo Park/ Candice Conti ], if the Elders want to Shepherd you, you better let them, and don't try to get any higher education [ anything requiring more than 2.5 years of school, and only if you can NEVER miss a meeting ]. It's all about control.

    What's odd is that gentiles could follow their consciences and make right decisions according to the Bible. So what's the difference in being a Christian? Do you try harder than a gentile/pagan?? Sure there are practices that certain groups feel are justified, like stoning people who become Christians, or beating women. Certainly no one would want to do those things. The WT painted such a vague picture that any discerning reader had to ask, " What's the point of being a Christian?" What can a Christian do that a non-believer following their conscience cannot do? This is especially true for the "GC of [other]sheep." They have nothing on "worldly" people. Their salvation is not assured. They are not receiving a heavenly reward. If people of the nations can gain life based on a good heart condition, then why work so hard to be a JW? You get nothing but the prospect of the possibility of life someday if you pass the final test that God unleashes upon you after you have already suffered in Satan's world and possibly died once already!!

    The article raised more questions than it answered. It all came down to STHU, and follow procedure. Had the article admitted that all Christians had the same hope, then they would have had something that made sense from a scriptural standpoint. Since the GB cannot admit that, we will always have articles that are convoluted and confusing with a dash of control measures. I still can't really understand where they were going with it. I don't think they really knew either.

  • Gopher

    the prospect of the possibility of life someday if you pass the final test that God unleashes

    Gee, that sounds wonderful. No wonder they're the happiest people on earth. Gee, I miss having such vague possibilities (carrots) held out in return for sacrificing my time and resources to a multi-million dollar publishing and real-estate holding corporation.

  • jgnat

    "thinking what we are learning" - newspeak for "memorizing what we are reading".

    The same for "motivation". I've heard a speaker describe how to flag sagging spirits by pulling out her higlighter, and reviewing the article before and after. Sure, repetition will transform this sow's ear in to a silk purse.

  • DS211

    Lol jgnat thats perfect. Im reading 1984 right now and ha.

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