Victims Quiet Pain - Why the WTS hides Pedophiles

by Amazing 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Excellent point Waiting:

    "Like, if the men had women.....they wouldn't want kids - which alludes to the thought that somehow having sex with kids is normal (just different)."

    ... marriage does not cure pedophilia ... many married men are pedophiles ... Marriage for priests merely opens up to potential for more priests, thus changing the ratios, giving the appearance that the percentage of pedophile priests have been reduced.

    This media argument that opening up marriage to preists reminds me of the old saying we had in environmental engineering ... "The solution to pollution is dilution."

    Thanks again for your good points.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    This thread will help many... it is deep and I thank you for opening up, to all.



  • silentlambs

    What can I say but, amazing!
    What can I add but, amen!

  • Hyghlandyr


    At first I was getting pretty ticked at your thread. I was thinking WTF!? This isnt about a prostitute or a pimp, it is about children. And we need to protect them, as they are unable to do so themselves.

    Of course the rest of your thread stated what you were really trying to get across, which is the same as I feel.

    In Ohio, domestic abuse cases are no longer considered crimes against the wife or girlfriend, but are crimes against the state. If a woman makes a complaint, she cannot revoke it. The man will in almost every case be found guilty, unless he can prove she totally falsified the report, as in the case of him being away on business during the time she alleged he hit her. Of course first offenses are judged upon the severity of the allegation and most end up with probation and a mark on their record.

    Yet what is it with child abuse. Frankly that and rape are the two worst crimes in any society, and they are judged less worthy of attention than credit card fraud. It is disgusting. Report it, end of story.

    As to the thing with priests marrying or gay priests...please. This is not an issue of merely offering a different outlet for sexual energy. These men have desires which are disgusting. Married men molest all of the time. The levels of this crime in society are astonishing. Besides reporting, things must be done to prevent it.

    Let's see, three wives, seven concubines, nine slave girls, and twenty-seven black nazi female body guards. I've only got forty-five women to go and my cult is complete

  • morrisamb

    Hey to the last two lines of your post...My abuser is married to his fifth wife, has had 10+concubines, his third wife was African-Canadian, need I say more?

    I know you were kidding, but I'm not!

  • LDH

    Waiting--I echo your thoughts. If Amazing ever told us about his sister before--I sure didn't see it.

    ((((((((((Amazing's Sister)))))))))))
    I guess my eyes were just not opened to how much this happened in the JW before Bill's site.

    Thank you Amazing.


  • Amazing

    Hi Waiting and LDH: This is the post where I mention it briefly on April 4th. Don't recall where or when else I commented about it.

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