2004 JW Elder Molested his Granddaughter

by xelder 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    His generation did not realise that getting drunk every night was not a good idea either. I think that his generationa has done a lot of overlapping. it looks like he overlapped with a 15 year old.

    What a sleazy git. Good for the girl to persevere and bring hin down.

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Got to keep the name of the Watchtower clean at any cost, the guilt pilled up on whistle-blowers of sex-sins is great. The Kingdom Hall and all the holy people you thought were your friends will turn on the family member exposing the wicked man. The former sex sinning pedophiles are the first to come before the elder-body and ask "When will I get my forgiveness and what programs are available to faithful men who made the mistakes of molesting little boys and girls, "we have a sickness and need your help brothers! If the Watchtower would give us our position back, we would know that Jehovah has forgiven us for all our sins!" Elder Joe said to the pedophiles of little girls "Did you beg for mercy from the victims?" Pedophile of kids and grandbabies said "No, I have begged to the Watchtower Society for forgiveness of my sins, the girls who brought me down defiled the name of Jehovah's Organization when they called the Police, I hate them!"

    Real Story about the Pedophile of little girls I posted.

  • Violia

    elders say they stopped advising the perps to ask for forgiveness as some victims some have gone onto to sue in civil court. It then might tarnish jws org.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    She said church officials did not believe her, but court records show that Gilbert was questioned by church officials in 1997 about the allegations.
    The victim persisted and wrote a letter to church officials that prompted a criminal investigation in 2003.

    So it took her 6 years to get the WTBTS to report this matter to authorities and only because 'she persisted' meaning at 15, her and her parents got silenced and once she turned 21 and got up the guts she threatened them with legal action before getting any furtherance. I wonder if she got disfellowshipped for 'causing divisions'.

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