My wife is truly a non-jw...

by Jim_TX 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whathappened

    You married a verysmart woman! Congrats!

    I had a double pleasure. Not only did I throw my own personal JW library into the dumpster, loose, unwrapped so that it came into contact with the other garbage, but when my mom passed away a year ago, I tossed her entire collection into the dumpster. Double the pleasure, double the fun!

    In the dumpster is where the Watchtower literature belongs.

  • HappyDad

    That's great!


  • steve2

    Having a clean out of old things can be incredibly liberating. Your lovely wife should feel 10 years younger and so much lighter of spirit having rid herself of the suitcased trash. It is terribly symbolic to gather up the stuff of yesteryear and burn it - especially anything that once played upon fears and the childish need for "tidy" answers to life's difficult questions. The heat and light from burning Watchtower publications is far brighter and hotter than anything that ever came from the organization's churning printing presses.

    My motto? Burn and grow.

  • Jim_TX

    "The heat and light from burning Watchtower publications..."

    I would say that gives a whole new meaning to the term that they use... "The light keeps getting brighter".

    Sure does! Throw another Watchtower on the fire!

  • cofty

    Thanks for that Jim. made me smile.

  • Oneoutallout

    My wife suggested we move all of the Blotch Towel blurb from the bookshelf to the loft. She is in the process of a fade. As we still have contact with her JW friends due to some business arrangements, and they would notice them gone, I have left them for now, just until she knows her way forward. But they have a death sentence on them!

    When I decided to leave the cult, I put all my literature in plastic bags and left them out, with the intention of taking them to the dump. It took me a while and when I eventually got around to doing it, they had grown an investation of mould and slime! The fodder was obviously off! When i tipped it in the skips, it was a pile of wet, mouldy, slimy yuk! At least some fungus got a decent life out of that crap!

    Top marks to your wife and mine. :-)

  • cultBgone

    Moving is great...many boxes of jwlitter went bye-bye...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My father had a large collection of JW lit going back to Russell. When he died, the first thing we did was throw the stuff out.

  • JWdaughter

    good riddance to bad rubbish

  • JWdaughter

    good riddance to bad rubbish

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