They Need War Now

by metatron 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @metatron: The reason we're still here is because nobody in charge actually WANTS the world to end. Yeah, religious zealots on both sides want the world to end in disastrous armageddon-style fashion however the people controlling those religious zealots want power and control as well as safety for themselves. The religious zealots (Tea Party on one side, Extremist Muslims on the other) do a very good job of keeping the tension to create an environment where power and control are easily seized yet the leaders don't ACTUALLY want to kill their constiuency and they know very well that if they let the Tea Party/Muslims take over, they'll lose it all. One of my history teachers once told us: "You know, those people in charge in the Middle East (back then it was still Sadam Hussein) - they have studied in the best Universities in the US and the UK, they know that the Koran or the Bible isn't actually true. However it suits them to have people give their life for an ideal, however they also know if someone drops the bomb, they'll be just as dead and there won't be any virgins waiting for them"

    As far as cosmic reasons we're still here: Just very lucky. Sure we're overdue for a comet impact or a large natural disaster but we're only overdue for a couple of hundred years to the "average", we only have 3-5 data points with error bars of several 1000 years (these things happen every couple million of years - last time we still had to decend from a lemur-like ancestor) so not really a great way of doing any prediction. Also, if it happens within 100 years, it would still be on time but you'll probably be dead so it didn't happen "in your lifetime" is a bad argument for requiring a god, just that you're very, very lucky but your great-grandkids weren't.

    It also shows that you simply don't understand the insignificance and briefness of your (or anyone's) life span and is actually a very dangerous attitude to have (god will save us anyway, so why bother preserving the environment). 80 years vs 80 million year is 9 zeros. It's unfathomable but you will be around for 1/175,000,000th slice of the Universe's age, if I assume you have lived half of that so you have lived for 1/350,000,000th slice of the Universe's age. If the Universe's timeline were drawn between New York and Seattle (and it takes you about 3 days to travel that with a car) your entire life would be drawn in less than 1 inch (and if you drove at 55mph, your entire life would have been passed by in 1ms, and you would pass by 400 of your lifetimes in a literal blink). If your and everybody else currently living can fit their lifeline in a thickness of 1/32th of an inch (barely visible), the entire current human population would require a band from Alaska to Mexico. That's how insgnificant you are.

  • scotoma


    What about your alien buddies? Do they have a role to play?

    The better documented UFO reports are encounters the military has had with them.

    UFO's have been very menacing to military craft and missle installations.

    They have demonstrated the ability to inactivate their fire power.

    They aren't visiting to give us secrets of the universe and deprive humans of the process of discovery.

    They might, however intervene if the sentient species of the earth were in the process of going to the point that "no flesh might be saved".

  • cofty

    They have demonstrated the ability to inactivate their fire power.

    Are you saying that you have evidence that aliens have actually interfered with military airplanes?

  • anonymouz

    Yes and it is also a great opportunity when the "attack" begins, for Bethel to also fill their fictional "King North" character slot of Daniel 11:44 with whatever new "villain" should appear to play the hoax role. And this will make JWs think the Daniel 11:44-45 "end of the world" sequence has begun. Then the "Babylon the Great is being attacked" illusion can be made to cover-up the Bethel desolations of finance.

    Because what will actually be occurring if catalyzed by world war or false-flag or real attack, or even naturally, is national financial implosion globally into a globalized international finance and monetary system over some years:

    (Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King globalists) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (King South symbolic national domain), she (subservient to 8th King) will not prove to be an escapee. (8th King pawned soon) 43 And he (8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (national wealth goes into globalist 8th King control).

    But at Bethel, that worldwide "King of the Gold" was somehow a bankrupted and now non-existent USSR. And now JWs can be prematurely advanced too far into 8th King world government developments at a Daniel 11:44 that is not what is developing. In fact a worldwide globalization of finance is what is obviously next, plainly seen in the world alternative news and research, will take some years, would be aided and accelerated by world war and or tribulation. That is what must occur next as is easily seen in the 100s of trillions in national debts globally readying this very process of financial globalization which must occur prior to any real "world government" as the basis of economic control to "gather" the nations further into that unification.

    And as Bethel implodes into intrigues of Daniel 11:42-43, JWs will be sold the Daniel 11:44 cover up a world war development would open up. Everything appears to be converging, and getting ready to blow in some direction to drag in all the nations, and JWs thinking "it is the end of the world brothers!", when to the contray, it is the beginning of the final globalization process that will take a number of years to complete, and needs a world war to get it going in accelerated fashion, and to provide a handy distraction from the real financial source of collapse.

    We have a perfect storm brewing here that will also wash the Bethel sand castle away, while the core engineers in that system have already positioned WT assets to be redirected into other hands in the process, all covered up with interpretive deceptions to dupe JWs to the very conclusion of the operation, for even a couple years in this process.

    And in those years, JWs will be fully bewildered. (Dan8:13-14).

  • cofty

    I'm "fully bewildered" already.

  • designs

    Bethel is the King of the in North New York State

  • scotoma
  • cofty

    Scotoma there are lots of people making lots of extreme claims on the internet.

    Do you have any evidence that these incidents really involved aliens?

  • scotoma

    Either these guys are telling the truth or they are too crazy to be in charge of nukes and we should enjoy every day we have left.

    These are very smart guys. They aren't out for publicity. They are engineers and technical people who tend to be quite pragmatic.

    They had careers and wanted to make sure they got their benefits when they retired.

  • cofty

    I don't find anecdotes convincing.

    The internet is awash with people making extraordinary claims.

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