Jan 15th 2014 WT - Generation

by elder-schmelder 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • elder-schmelder

    Is there a thread already talking about this new issue? I am looking for everyone's thoughts on the "Generation", and if there is anything new with this understaning.


  • Terry

    What does it say?

    How does it differ from Watch Tower "classic" teaching?

    On what basis is any new spin offered?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    There is one started here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/265626/1/The-GENERATION-explanation-is-now-a-BOLD-FACE-LIE#.UmbBdDK9KSM

    I'm sure there are other threads also. This is such a warped truth. I honestly don't understand how anyone believes it.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Since there are still people alive today, who knew people who were alive in 1914, evidently Jesus was using the term "generation" to define contemporary JW's.

  • NVR2L8

    Isn't the new spin that newly annointed ones who's lives did not overlap with those who lived in 1914 are not part of the "generation"? Their definition of generation has already morphed into something else to revive a sense of urgency. When the current "generation" passes away they will turn on their new light once again...


    So what if knew that I should partake, but did not for some years? Perhaps I was "making sure of all things", so as not to "partake unworthily." Who is to say when my "anointing" took place? Look at Cornelius. He received the Holy Spirit before he was even baptized! So who is to say if I am in that "generation" or not? I ate breakfast with Max Larson. So are we contemporaries?! What about Mark Sanderson? If he received his anointing after those who saw 1914 passed away then he is NOT part of the generation according to the nu-light. WTH???

    It's so dumb that it boggles the mind.


  • mindnumbed

    I don't think this is anything newer than the latest new understanding. This is how I understood the overlapping mumbo jumbo when it was released at the convention ... the lives of anointed would overlap ... they are just explaining what they already said a little better to try and emphasize the URGENCY cuz the overlapped generation is old too so don't slow down, the end is so very close!

  • BU2B

    I thought studying this might be a good way to wake up my wife. Instead when she hears Generation, she puts up a mental block and says that its "too deep". (in reality it isnt deep at all, just illogical) Instead she prefers to focus on the things she CAN understand, like the endless treadmill of getting ready for and participating in STUDY PRAYER FS AND MEETINGS, the endless treadmill of works that are the TICKET (carrot on a stick)to "endless life in a peaceful new world"

    JWs are trained not to disbelieve or disagree with nonsensical teachings like the generation teaching, but to just say "I dont understand but I agree with and trust the FDS" and move on. Of course if the FDS has a certain teaching it must be true.. After all these men are hand selected by Christ himself and study all day! They would know more than us right? We will just listen obey, and be blessed and all will be fine! This is after all "Jehovahs Organization"!

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