4 Letters from the Branch read tonight, no warning from this site

by James Jackson 29 Replies latest jw friends


    How long before the WTBTS strikes a bargin with Apple?

    GB: We can guarantee 4 million I-pads will be bought, just give us a discount.

    Eldub: We have a special letter about a super-uber-special provision from Jehovah The FDS. We want to pass a resolution. All Jw's are encourage to contribute towards puchasing I-pads for the great, never to be repeated, life-saving rescue work. All funds will ensure that our poor brothers and sisters can have tablets as well. Not the really poor ones. We don't want them looking at pictures of food on the internet and becoming covetous..

    Anyways..err..All in favor?!


  • sir82

    Those are some pretty pedestrian issues.

    It's not really a big deal about pioneer school being reduced, for example.

    Don't worry, there are plenty of "apostate" elders who will supply "meat in due season".

  • NewYork44M

    the light keeps getting brighter. these letters certainly show how close we are to the conclusion of this wicked old world.

  • gingerbread

    Thanks James. I visit this site from time to time (I'm not a full-time ex Jehovah's Witness).

    The last meeting we attended was about a month ago - so I missed these announcements.

    The message has stayed the same - this wicked system of things is on the precipice of destruction - but the methods of delivering the message is changing. The focus of the Org is more and more about building construction and the WT decision makers are doing everything possible to appear up-to-date with technology.

    This is the REAL new light the faithful are excited about.

    Shrug off the negative comments. As I've said before on this forum, some people leave 'the truth' but continue to think like a Jehovah's Witness (judgemental, argumentative, authoritative and self-righteous).


  • losingit

    Ouch! Spot on gingerbread! I've been thnking about the nature of conversations on this forum, and I know I've got mixed up in that mess you described. I'm trying to step away from that mindset.

    This forum provides lots of updates but I don't expect it to do it all the time.

  • Emery

    Thanks James, I missed those letters myself.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Be on the watch for the NEXT Branch Letter announcing that Brother James Jackon will be cleaning the toilets at JWN next week.

  • Terry

    Does this mean James must be "marked"?

    I say, let him off with 50 virtual push-ups and let him off with a stern warning.

  • anonymouz

    What about letter 5?

    5. Brothers "at that time" of the "Assyrian attack" please follow your elders to the nearest "life saving" FEMA internment camp.

    (WT 11/15/2013; pg. 20, par. 17)

  • WinstonSmith

    Thanks for the extra info James, much appreciated and very interesting. Around a year or so ago there was a letter saying that they should not be used on the platform, one of the reasons being that some might get jealous and go into financial hardship to get one to keep up with the Jones's. I got spoken to for ignoring the advice - I thought it was a petty and controlling directive based on no common sense whatsoever.

    It would appear that now they are no longer interested in 'protecting' the poor, of course we all know that was never the reason. It was always about controlling people and trying to stop them from appearing different or 'ahead' of their brothers by having new fandangle devices. Now that these devices are common, and more importantly, now that the WTS has their own apps specially designed for them, suddenly its okay for all and sundry to use them at any opportunity.

    Its okay guys, we get it, you're in charge, you're the 'boss', happy now?

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