The Governing Body: Faithful & Discreet Slave, Or Dictatorial Despot?

by frankiespeakin 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • frankiespeakin

    We all have estimations of ourselves that don't match up with reality, the Governing Body is no exception. As visible CEOs of the Watchtower Corporation they have an image that they must project to the outside world. They have self proclaimed that they exclusively make up the ficticious character of Jesus parable called a faithful slave. Could we call this type of reading into scripture a heavily biased slant?

    Then we have a set of delusional Corporation inspired dates for this imaginary appointment to service of the most high God, that are nothing short of flights of fantasy and wishful thinking, which begs the question: Why would an omnipotent Being choose a Printing Corporation whose managers keep making wild predictions about when he's comming back to end the world and take control of the earth that never come true or materialize? It seems like a very incompetent or very careless arrangement for an omnipotent being.

    Now all heady with power and arrogance the Governing Body use their position of CEOs to make policy that in no way reflects the humility one would expect of a faithful and discreet slave, but instead reflects the the arrogance of self absorbed narcisist determined to stay in power reguardless of who get hurt.

    They fit the role of despotic dictator much more accurately than a faithful and discreet slave. No member of Jehovah's Witnesses is allowed to question the slave's claims of authority and any such questioning is viewed by them as an act of rebellion and punished with the greatest severity causing families to even shun thier children who are not obediant to this self proclaimed: 'humble servant of God' who will 'always remain faithful'.

    Therefore the title that the Governing Body has chosen for themselves(F&DS) gives them a facade that couldn't be farther from the truth, in fact a better discription in the supposed words of Jesus that more closely follows the patern of these CEOs would be 'wolves in sheeps clothing' praying on the sheep.

  • frankiespeakin

    A game of useing the Bible to assume rediculous grants of favor and authority from an omnipotent being is very self serving, and heavily biased which can hardly be called a scholarly and educational discussion of what the Bible means.

    With such a childish interpetation of the F&DS parable it is no wonder that the Governing Body comes down so hard on the rank and file for getting a college education, because once they do they are more likely to recognize the shaky ground on which such biased interpetation rest. Critical thinking too is the big enemy of those who try to pass off such bible interpetation as the leaps in logic and wishful thinking bias are tremendous.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Since the 'evil slave' is now (nu lite) hypothetical, could the 'faithful slave' also be hypothetical? It always has been! Remember when Dorthy pulled back the curtain in The Wizard of OZ.


  • villagegirl

    No evil slave ? They decided this ?

    Jesus never even set himself up as lording it over

    people they way these guys do. Jesus talked about

    oneness, "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor freeman,

    male or female, you are all one in the Christ " Oneness.

    Not sexual division not different classes or different hopes,

    just one single unified body of Christ. That is what the gospels

    talked about, not priests, not clergy, not men higher than women,

    " I am in you and you are in me, and we are one." That was the mystical

    view Jesus talked about. Not an organizational corporation with a special

    governing body who had special spiritual authority and access to God

    and holy spirit, holy spirit was for everyone. The physical body being

    replaced by a spiritual, non, material one was a universal hope, that

    transcends sex or class or station or position, its not of this world.

    Whatever the future holds for this world, the watchtower society will

    have nothing at all to do with it;

    " Get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you at all."

    was written for the likes of the so-called governing body.

  • anonymouz

    What it sounds like to me is:

    (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

    They publicly take on God's role as judge of faithful and evil "slaves" by their own self-approval, rather than a divine judgment of God making such a determination. (the thing that "will not come unless....).

    Maybe it is so obvious that is why it is so hard to recognize go figure.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Former GB member Ray Franz in his brilliant book "In Search of Christian Freedom" has a chapter called "The recurring pattern" where he shows how the GB has basically followed the same pattern in ending up pretty much just like the Catholic clergy and other similar centralised religious governance entities. The GB are really not much different from the Catholic clergy to the Catholic Cardinals. Ironic for a religion that loathes (but secretly envies) Catholicism so much.

  • frankiespeakin

    This song I dedicate to the Governing Body and the incredibly vanity they display in their biblical interpretation which they use to proclaim divine appointments of themselves as CEOs of 'God's Organization':

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