Why doe New light tick me off???? Next 2 weeks WT Studies

by zophar 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • zophar

    If you have been a JW for 20+ years you may remember that the WT went into great detail on different illustrations that Jesus used and the "type/anti-type" ridiculous explanations. Remember the Revelation book and how those obscure JW Conventions of the past pictured big things in heaven and the opening of seals? Anyway, the WT lessons for the next two weeks do two big things for me. They show we were wrong all along about those explanations of the Bible..and Secondly....we should be happy because we our faith was really built up by those false teachings!

    In par 13 tomorrows lesson mentions the parables of "the leaven", "the mustard seed," and "the dragnet." In the past, all of these pictured bad things associated with Satan. Now they all picture good things in connection with God's kingdom. I conducted the WT back in those days and I had a lot of Cognitive dissonance, the explanations sounded crazy. But....that is what the FDS was directing, so Confirmation Bias set in. I ignored all of the alarm bells and so I teach what is in the literature. Guess what? The alarm bells were right all along, none of the past explanations are right....according to the 7/15/08 WT adjustments!

    Now, here is what is truly amazing. After showing how the interpretation was wrong, Paragraph 9 in tomorrow's lesson says: "For many years, God's people found this approach to Bible accounts faith strengthening." In other words, "We were wrong in our interpretations but these false understandings were still faith strengthening!

    They cannot just say: "We were wrong!" No, these false teachings were still faith strengthening! How messed up is that?

    So what's next? What else has "The Truth" been "The False" about? I can't stand it!

    How do you feel?

  • zophar
    .....by the way. The topic should be "Why Does" not Why doe....
  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    Zophar, great post! I think you can edit the title within the first 30 minutes.

    I do regret not waking up sooner. I too had tremendous cognitive dissonance for decades. I knew the Revelation Climax book was bat sh*t crazy. I save my anger for the GB. They are the ones that kept me in line and believing The Lie. They taught that, since I was the last one in, the only hope for the rest of my family was for me to remain loyal to God. It turns out they wanted loyalty to a corrupt organization.

  • flipper
    WT Society leaders have always been messed up. They do not have the humility to EVER admit error or mistakes. They are a bunch of arrogant pompous a-holes who keep throwing doctrinal shit up onto the wall to see if it sticks. If it doesn't stick they just throw more up there and glue it on. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    God is love. If He lies to his children it's because He loves them.

    Of course, when people lie to their kids about leprechauns and gnomes, they are UNloving.

    Only God knows the proper lies to teach - through His grand and glorious, lyin' cheatin', cold heart beatin', killin', stealin', screwed up messed up, pedo hidin', corrupt polluted shitass CULT!


  • CloseTheDoor

    Now, here is what is truly amazing. After showing how the interpretation was wrong, Paragraph 9 in tomorrow's lesson says: "For many years, God's people found this approach to Bible accounts faith strengthening." In other words, "We were wrong in our interpretations but these false understandings were still faith strengthening!

    It bothered me when I began to prepare for the study.

  • oppostate

    And to makes matters even worse if you point out that the WT suppositions and speculations prove they can't be trusted you get branded an "Apostate!"

    Just daring to think about the obvious lack of confidence the GB inspires with their nonsensical explanations is also brazen enough reason to throw one aside as "mentally diseased" and get DF'ed!

    As Oubliette continues to point out:

    "It's a cult!"

    What else could we expect from a cult?

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2

    They boast about taking words from the bible.

    in English at the annual meeting on October 5, 2013. * Many Scriptures now use fewer words, yet their meaning is intact or even clearer. For example, Job 10:1 went from 27 words to 19; Proverbs 8:6 went from 20 words to 13. Both verses are clearer in the new edition. In fact, one faithful anointed brother with a record of decades of loyal service commented: “I just read the book of Job in the new edition, and I feel as if I understand it for the first time!” Many have made similar comments.

    Rev 22:19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life, and out of the holy city, things that are written about in this scroll.

    And yet they blatantly do it!

  • ToesUp

    New lite ='s: oops we screwed up or got caught with our pants down (i.e. generation teaching). Now we gotta change it.

    New lite ='s BS

  • leaving_quietly

    Anyone brave enough to make that comment during the WT study on par 9? Something like what the OP said?

    "Even though we were wrong in our understanding, they did build our faith"


    "Even though our understanding wasn't true..."


    "Our spirit-directed organization taught us something through the years that has turned out to be incorrect. However, our faith is strengthened by the fact that NOW, we are being taught the truth about these parables."

    These lessons are going to really make me angry at the KH. I am going to have a very, very, very hard time keeping my facial expressions in check.

    This March 2015 WT is a real doozy. I'm still baffled as to their approach in actually reminding everyone what they used to teach.

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