So Why Do You Think They Needed This New Revision?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I was listening while at the AGM and don't recall hearing any donation suggested. They did mention a few times that there were contribution boxes available.

    I think the original NWT was done to match their theology with bible verses and some of the videos they showed especially the Herd "Trip down memory lane" interview session with old timers said how they would read verses that didn't match with their knowledge because the scriptures were inaccurate. Once the NWT was release, those scriptures then matched JW theology.

    All bible translations get revised from time to time. Their cheaply produced versions were the source of complaints and they realized they needed to produce something a little better when it came to the Bible. All the hoopla surrounding this was a marketing ploy to increase contributions. They could have announced the release at the district convention (which I'll bet they wanted to have one ready but it must have gotten delayed) and made it available 10-1. But inviting everyone in the English world to the AGM and creating a buzz certainly produced more donations than if it just been made available at the literature counter.

  • caliber

    It's all about money, accountablity and to generate future growth and continued trust in the WT

    1) to generate excitement ...what with the 100 aniversary coming "soon " and "evidently" nothing yet is "just around the corner"

    2) to ensure larger donations for the upcoming building program at Warwick ( the billions taken in for real estate sale's don't count.. it must be self sustaining by the flock

    3) to get rid of some passages that were hurting them " mentally diseased" 1 Timothy 6:3-4 or the added square brackets on words

    4) to make translation into other languages easier and less expensive ( idioms changed to more literal & commonly understood meaning

    Idioms exist in every language. An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally, like “bought the farm” has nothing to do with purchasing real estate, but refers to dying.

    5) less wordy means saving money on printing and paper

    6)"sister proof "Bibles... it has been expressed that the binding may stand up to more constant use or abuse

  • fredPotato

    Hello to all! My first post here! yey!

    IMHO all JWs have this 'common sense' that it is fair to give a donation for this 'precious gift'; at least where I live people would definitely donate.

    I also think they made this move in order to take off the spotlight from the fact it's been 100 years since 1914...

    I downloaded the PDF from the site and found that on page 1743 they've listed Jehovah as being Iáhve in Portuguese. As being a native Portuguese speaker and still 'active' JW I can assure no one here uses that, we simply say Jeová.... It is never mentioned on WT pubs neither at speeches/preaching.

    Anyone using this term would definitely be called upon. Unacceptable to be pronounced inside the KH... for sure!

    Iáhve is mainly (rarely) used by some christendon churches.

    I seems that this revised release is in need of some revision already! lol

    (Btw: if there is any kind of "introduce yourself" section here, I'd gladly tell you a little about me)


  • cofty

    Welcome fredPotato!

    Interesting that they have messed up on the divine name in Portuguese - they are a bunch of buffoons.

    Feel free to post an introduction in the Friends forum - or the "Members Only" section if you don't want non-members to read it.

  • fredPotato

    Thanks cofty!

    They really messed it up! The editor should be disfellowshipped for such a blatant error!

    Just so you know, since the JWs arrived in Brazil in the early 1920s we've been using Jeová; perhaps some regional 'new light'? lol


  • Theredeemer

    Same reason Oprah gave away cars in the beggining of her new season in 2004: to drum up ratings for the rest of the season. The WT is now in a "new season". New teachings, new FDS and now new Bible. Ratings have been falling for a while.

  • DesirousOfChange

    FRED, just start a new thread and tell us your story.


  • Finkelstein

    Good observation Theredeemer

    One cant help take notice that this release is occurring just months away from 2014.

  • Lied2NoMore

    Reposted from my thread

    The WT's GB spent time pouring over and scrutinizing wording in the old NWT and found something WRONG with it....and they changed it

    The doctrinal changes that came with the last study WT..and all other changes that have happened over the years means also that they have poured over the doctrines, scrutinized them....and found something WRONG with them....and changed them....THEY have the luxury to do so....without consequences. ...if anyone else in the borg pours over wording of things...scrutinizes them....and finds something WRONG, and points it out....well we are demeaned, called names...and if we voice our disagreement in front of WT henchmen. .aka Elders....we get thrown out...with the act of disfellowshipping.

  • Lied2NoMore

    I also agree they have planned already for the henchmen to get used to new wording ....."brazen conduct" and use this as a means to DF anyone who like me tells elders to F off if they want to talk to me in the future or generally dismiss any efforts to council or correct someone...I have just been blowing them off since I woke up over two years ago

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