What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Most of us here on JWN, while we can get a bit narky at times, can put forth intelligent arguments and sound observations. Sure we can get bogged down with our opinions, but generally we back up our opinions with examples and evidence, and if someone has a different opinion with examples and evidence, we accept that without recriminations. That's what adults do.

    So my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be JWs come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally? I'm not used to this kind of thing, on JWN or in my life since I was about 15. I'm not quite sure how to handle it. What do they hope to achieve by it? Mindless hatred and spiteful personal attacks is not going to convince anyone of anything.


    Stand for Pure Worship could be "Miz"..

    He`s a practical joker,likes to wind people up..

    Offer him some KFC and Beer..LOL!!..

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  • 3rdgen

    My opinion, for what it's worth, is that a JW who is willing to break the GB rules of reading/associating with "apostates" is either a closet "dissenter" who wants to convince himself that the WTS is really the "truth", or counting time, or just plain wacky.

  • dqFreedom

    The Only tool of the Dis-Honest is Hate- Thats why 'jw's' wont reason with you only against you- When Lies don't work they use their only tool- Hate.

    The honest God Fearing Members are quickly Overworked/Shamed/Confess and are Shunned- Leaving the more Ruthless to become worse- The Congregation Shrinks and Becomes more Competitive.

    This is Good- The Honest are"Called Out" by such means-

  • ShirleyW

    Outlaw, really ?? The last few times he came back with his new fake names i picked up immediately that it was Miz. I haven't even noticed a new poster called Stand for Pure Worship !


    Hey Shirley!..

    SFPW is doing a hit and run..He`ll show up..

    It may or not be Miz,but..

    It would`nt surprize me if it was Miz..LOL!!..

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  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I've sent him a PM anyway, fronting him directly.

  • jemba

    All dubs now seem to be more negative, more angry and generally more hateful people than Ive ever known them to be in my 40 years. I am shunned by 95% of them and Ive only been fading for a year. They are scared, confused and have more doubts deep down than ever before too. Armaggeddon never came to save them from having to go to school, get married, have kids, become grandparents, retire and now even die. i want to scream it from the rooftops.... ITS A LIE, A SCAM AND A FRIGGIN CULT!!!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I agree wholeheartedly, but what do they think they achieve by throwing acid in our eyes?

  • dqFreedom

    Haters got to Hate-

    "Pure War Ship" that brings back the sickening jw puking feeling- You cant call yourself a title and expect others to just accept you for your self proclaimed title-

    But Anyway- These jw's get off on being Obnoxious- it is a release- the only one they have. And there is a lot of internal stress and unease when you do not have the Peace of God- I remember the day I put away 'THEir 'truth' and THE Truth found Me-

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