Why no children allowed at the annual meeting?

by not bitter 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I've never even heard of this annual meeting or whatever its called. Is it a new thing? Sure it wasn't around in my day.

    My elderly parents must have gone to it yesterday. They'd both had flu and pneumonia jabs the day before and both reacted very badly to it. My mother tells me they'd never felt so ill in their lives and got no sleep but they still attended a special meeting the next day in Bristol. That makes me angry in itself.

    But why no children?

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Oh and I did notice a grey bible on their table earlier. I thought it was one of those old video cassette holders from the 80's. I didn't realise it was actually a book.

  • undercover

    Coulda been worse... Coulda been a Mormon special meeting. No women allowed.

    Mormons and JWs...bringing 1800s mentality to the 21st century

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    That is simply not true. I went and there were a ton of kids. Maybe they weren't allowed at the Stanley but all the tie-in locations had kids. 3 & 1/2 hours with no breaks does not make for happified children.

  • maninthemiddle

    the no kids was for places that were over/near capacity.

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Thank you for clarifyng that. I thought it was a bit of a strange rule even for them

  • Apognophos

    Yes, they've never held an annual meeting before, that's why this is the 129th one

  • prologos

    lack of space in some venues.

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