
by Realist 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justin

    1914 is still considered to be the end of the Gentile Times and the beginning of the last days. It seems that the date will continue to be used as a starting point for the time of the end, but will no longer be used to either calculate or approximate when the final end will come. The end will be "near" indefinitely.

    This is similar to what the Adventists have done with Miller's date of 1844. William Miller was disappointed when Jesus did not return visibly in that year, but the Seventh Day Adventists claimed that it was the beginning of the "investigative judgment" and that the end has been "near" ever since. So it looks like 1914 will be the JW's 1844.

    I believe we have an Adventist who posts here, and could fill us in on more details if so desired. But the point is, the JWs have a start date with no finish line in sight.

  • simwitness

    Keep in mind that the WTBS can not simply change the 1914 date.

    2 reasons:
    1. If they back off of the 607 date, too many "apostates" will be proved correct, and there is way too much in current print to easily sweep away.
    2. the 1914 date is central to their teaching that Christ appointing them the F&DS in 1918(?) if they change the 1914, then they would have to change that as well, and they would lose even more ground. Couple that with the "Annointed class" in 1935(?) and you know the days are numbered for their chronology.

    It never ceases to amaze me... and why they choose to ignore Luke 21:8:

    He replied: Watch out that you are not decieved. For many will comie in my name, claiming, "I am he" and "the time is near", Do not follow them.
    And, just what, have the WTBS been doing since thier very beginning?

    Oh, that's right, they got "specail" permission....

  • Realist

    thanks for all the info!

    they seem to change their teachings so frequently that its hard to keep up. it amazes me that there are still people who follow all these changes without getting any doubts about the idea that the headquater guys are actually inspired by Jehovi.

    the 125 years (its actually 120) is from genesis 6:3. but i think i have misunderstood that since noah and several other guys got 800 or 900 years old.

  • Erich


    Some scientists said the utmost life-time of presently living people is increasing permanently and exponentially. So they maybe could have got right with "the 1914-generation"....

  • dobby

    I remember when the generation understanding changed. I thought it was far too convenient that it changed around 1995 or so. The bible says a person lives 70 years or 80 if they have special mightiness. I was raised being told that the "the generation that saw the events of 1914" would not pass away before the end came. So many people believed that 70-80 years from 1914 the end would come.

    Well...1995... how many years from 1914 is that, hmmm, could it be 81? Then all of a sudden we don't believe that anymore - we now believe Jesus was not refering to a time frame but a "wicked" generation. In other words we now believe that when the end comes a wicked generation will have not passed away. Or something like that, honestly no one understands this anymore.

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