Questions about limits and why I can't view some topic categories

by Faithful Witness 4 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I'm kinda new here. Will the daily limit ever increase above 10 posts, and 1 new thread per 24 hour period?

    Also wondering... I'm unable to view "Best of topics... first stop for new visitors."

    I also can not access the "links to related sites."

    Both categories prompt me to login, and repeated attempts never allow me access. I'm pretty sure I'm typing the code right. I've never been able or get into these categories. Just curious!

    Love this forum. Thanks so much! Valerie

  • tec

    I think you have to have more than a hundred posts before your daily limit is increased. If I remember correctly, that is. The rest, I can't answer.



  • Jeffro

    Faithful Witness:

    Both categories prompt me to login, and repeated attempts never allow me access. I'm pretty sure I'm typing the code right. I've never been able or get into these categories. Just curious!

    It's not just you. Those sections of the site are apparently broken.

    Or maybe it's a conspiracy.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Jeffro: you are probably right!

    The WTS has hacked into JWN and locked us out!

    I'm sure they've also stolen all of our passwords and gained access to out bank accounts as well. this is bad news for me, since they will now know that I have been shopping at goodwill again. Nooooo.... Now my mother will never speak to me again!

  • mindnumbed

    Strangely .... you can get into the 'Best of Topics' category as long as you are NOT logged in.

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