Why the hell do I have this pathetic life?

by Nicolas 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BeautifulGarbage


    The only thing I have to offer you is a big


    Lots of great responses. You hang in there, sweetie.


  • KissAFish

    All I can say is..stick with your counselling, it will give you ways and avenues of building up confidence and self esteem...Everyone is worthy of existing ...With self confidence and esteem the world is your oyster..pursue new friendships, study a field you are interested in...It will all come together for you.. you just have to plod thru and realise you deserve to enjoy ALL life has to offer...

  • outnfree


    It IS lonely without the JW social system and 'five meetings per week' but going back will NOT make you feel less lonely or more worthy.

    To feel worthy (of life or anything else) it is good to accomplish something that YOU feel is worthwhile and valuable. Try to think of something you can DO -- new job? returning to school? charity work? that will make you PROUD of you. Then go for it!

    Meanwhile, return here for cyber hugs whenever you feel the need for reinforcement.

    Best wishes,


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Naeblis

    Well Mr "Ihavenofriends" I've been sitting here with these two kites for 8 hours like a jackass! Forget my number!

  • MarchOn

    What an awesome bunch here!! If you have nothing else, you do have this place where almost everyone has felt or feels like you do. We are all in this together.

  • rebelledat12

    Hi sweetie,
    You are getting great advice here, and here is my input: be careful not to judge your life by JW standards! Growing up JW meant that I was surrounded by "friends" and when I made my own way, I got depressed because I didn't think that I had enough. The truth is that I never really had any JW friends, even though dozens professed to be. So take it slow, and don't be shy. If you meet someone you think you'd like as a friend, ask them to do something fun. If they say no, that's the worst they can say.
    And keep coming back here. We've all been where you are now.

  • SloBoy

    Hey Nicolas,
    Like they say, 'don't give up before the miracle'. Reminds me about the story of the drunk that sobered up, and then felt God had cursed him for doing so because 'now' he was left-handed. Truth was, he was always left-handed, just didn't know it.

  • mpatrick

    I hope all these great post have helped you feel better, I know they have helped me! I have been away from the Watchtower World for almost eight years now, and I still feel like I fall back into that old way of thinking at times.

    I really appreciated the reminder by "yrs2long"

    You will recall that in the Shawshank movie Red made the statement, 'get busy living or get busy dying'.
    We are so brainwashed to believe that there is no happiness outside the Borg, that we actually start to believe it. But thinking back, I know a lot of JWs that think they are happy, when it is quite evident that they are not, only because they are told they are....it is all in the mind!

    Hang in there, there are a lot of great people on this board that are giving back because they have been where you are, and they have proven that you can move on and be happy.

    Lots of love,

  • LizardSnot

    I dont really need to give you any encouraging words...
    Just look at how many people....people you havent met...care about you.
    Take that and run with it :)


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