so this guy went into a bar------

by stan livedeath 3 Replies latest social humour

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    So this fella went into a pub and said to another guy sat at the bar:
    "I think Jehovah's witnesses are all assholes!"
    To which the guy sat at the bar replied: "I resent that remark."
    So the fella said "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you were a Jehovah's witness".
    And the guy at the bar responded: "I'm not. I'm an asshole!"
  • stuckinarut2


    love it

  • snugglebunny

    So this fella went up to heaven after he died and got shown around by Saint Peter.

    As they were walking around seeing the sights, they came across this enormous football stadium. As they got closer, Saint Peter looked at the newbie, put his finger to his lips and said: "Shhhhhhh!"

    "Why?" said the new fella, "What's the problem?"

    "Ah, said Saint Peter, "There's 144,000 Jehovah's witnesses in there and they think that they're the only ones up here!"

  • freemindfade
    hahahahaha, thank you for that!

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