Duped by my dub mother

by Faithful Witness 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I'm not sure what wenr into my mother deciding to send me this email. I am just sick, and sick and sick of her treating my children and me like we don't matter. She sent this message, and when I replied she told me it was a joke and then rejected my invitation to lunch, since they'd already made plans with their friends who are moving to the different congregation. Never mind the fact we barely see grandma about four times a year now. God, I am really getting tired of this heartbreak. Why bother telling me you're going to be in town? This now just seems mean-spirited at best.

    My mom shared an interesting bit of detail about her congregation in lower Michigan. They have been attending this KH, since they began about 4 years ago. Here is what she said In her email:

    There are a lot of changes at our Hall......our friends E and D, and their son's family, (he is one of the main elders) have all been requested to go to help out at Smith Hall for two years. One of the other Pioneers women has also been sent there. Our other friends have moved to the Detroit area, as he has been out of work for quite a while and finally found work over there managing a Assisted Living Facility. He also is an elder. So, our congregation is dwindling..............soon we will be in need.

    What reason do they use, to shuffle people around like that? The people she is referring to, are long-term residents and (I get the impression) they are sort of the "rock." Of course, they've always been a pretty proud group. Especially the singing. The last visit we made, granted it was a few years ago, the seats were packed full. Maybe this move will shake some people, and get them to wake up. She also is confused about the upcoming meeting This weekend:

    We have a special three hour meeting in Holt his Sunday instead of having the regular service at the Hall. I have no idea what it is about.....strange and a little unusual. It is 'very important'. I heard they are serving refreshments.......biscuits and juice.................EmojiEmoji...............that is unusual in itself......(don't drink the kool-aid).
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    So she hasn't been informed that she is going to listen to a video recording of the 'chosen ones' at the Annual Meeting?


    Re. Rearranging: They often do this at the suggestion of the CO or DO. Typically because there are issues on elder bodies or not enough elders or ministerial servants. Also could be due to small attendance which is the case in many congregations in my area.

  • hoser

    or they want to close her hall due to low attendance/donations, sell the property and have her drive to the nearest kingdom hall in Ohio.

  • rubadubdub

    Re-arranging the MS/elder population was/is the norm in my ex-congo. Always sending in a new P.O., COBE, TMS Overseer, Elder, MS, pioneer couple, etc. It was a small backwoods congregation with one slightly wacky "annointed", now deceased. Attendance low, hours below the national average, obviously little effort in "studying for the meetings" and commenting, pioneer couples sleeping with each others "marriage mates" (hate that term, sorry) and getting DF'd, "apostacy", and faders abounding. They sold the hall off and now meet a good hour away for the outliers in the territory.

    Currently possibly one elder actually lives in the territory. My ex-congo is still more relaxed and less legalistic than the now "sister" congo, so the "increase" is from families migrating over from the stiff, New England congo. They even had to recalculate the congregation contributions toward the operating budget. Sending in the big guns hasn't changed the local dub population much. If anything, the heavies soften a bit over time or leave in frustration.

    Just my observatios locally.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    This is all she wrote. It doesn't sound like she's heard much, except that it was important.

    I'm considering inviting them to meet at a restaurant afterward. I would like to go, prepared with some questions.

    Any ideas what I can ask, to get more information about what is happening at her KH? How often do they move people like that? The ones she is referencing here, are locals and will have to drive farther to their new Hall. She seems confused.

    edited to add: turns out this was just a joke about the snack, and a way to tease us again. They live over an hour away, and drive past our house to go to this ass hall. They never stop, and we usually don't even hear about it. This time, I guess she wanted to make sure we knew they were coming to the neighborhood, but would be spend in time with their real friends, instead of their grandkids. pretty spiteful if you ask me.

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